
  1. S

    Sorting through Data with Multiple Criteria (Index, Match, CountIF)?

    Hello, I am trying to itemize expenses by division of operations for my farm. I have a list of every expense made throughout the year. I need it summarized but flexible enough to account for differently named items that may be purchased in the future. Per my image uploaded: I am looking to...
  2. P

    Countif using totals of two named columns

    I'm trying to use countif to figure out how many rows have two cells that added together are greater than another value. I know for a single column, something like =COUNTIF(SiteInfo[Number of Users],"<"&Data!E51) works fine. But I want the sum of SiteInfo[Number of Users] + SiteInfo[Shared...
  3. Jyggalag

    Formula to calculate between dates

    Hi all, I have an overview that looks like this: Days since beginning / ended? Start date End date 01-10-2019 01-11-2023 01-10-2017 01-11-2025 01-10-2018 01-11-2028 01-10-2016 01-11-2021 01-10-2015 01-11-2018 And in Excel: I want to create a formula in column A that...
  4. WaqasTariq

    Based on visible rows calculate (COUNTIF, MINIF, AVERAGEIF, MAXIF)

    I am looking to calculate the "Cst Info" data based on the filtered data available on the "Data" worksheet. I have so far tried searching the forum, but have been unable to find something similar. Example workbook uploaded here. This is how my "Data" worksheet looks like (after filtering for...
  5. J

    Getting the count or # of occurrences of a value, but counting up to it

    Hi guys, I need help in trying to get a "rank" of text. Let me explain. I have a spreadsheet where column A has repeating values, while column B shows the rank/count of these values. I have attached a screenshot of a simple example. The letter A shows up a total of 3 times, and column B is...
  6. W

    Countif multiple columns

    Hi, I'm currently trying to work out the following but been struggling to get the correct answer. If the contribution (See box below in what I am trying to do) is greater than or equal to 1, then it banks the number to the left handside and then updates the count in the box below. For example...
  7. T

    Making an internal function max range, = an external number

    Hello All My problem now is the below. =COUNTIF($H$106:$H$605;"POS") I am trying to count a range of data that contains POS, but the max range for each column changes each time. So I manually have to change the $605 to, 302, or 120, or 622. Is there any way I can link the max range $H$605, to...
  8. A

    Count of Values in Single Column

    Good Morning, I am trying to determine the best formula to use to capture how many times a value shows up in a single column. In the attached image I am trying to obtain a count for every time one of the Hold Reason Notes shows up in the column. Example - in the first 5 rows the formula would...
  9. M

    COUNTIF to count cells with conditional formatting

    I have an enormous range of data (10k rows x 10k columns) with conditional formatting applied to all cells in this range. The range is something like the below, which is a concatenate of the row and column header values: 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0001 00010001 00010002 00010003...
  10. T

    Countif (remove duplicate) multi conditions.

    Hi, I have data as below. What I want to get is result same as last column. Could you pls advise which formul should be? Logic: count each order how many time late No, how many time late Yes. Thanks. RSTU23Order#Submit dateLate submission?Result...
  11. J

    Excel formula to find occurrences greater than 1

    I am trying to create a formula to find out if a certain word appears more than one time in a column with criteria. I have a PO# in column A and in column B the words DROP or MISC appear. I am trying to find out if the word DROP appears more than once for each PO#. I am currently using the...
  12. M

    Can you SPILL and COUNTIF?

    I am looking to count the first instance of data in a column, however when a new row gets inserted the countif needs to be reapplied. Is there a way to make this spill? AB1DATAFirst instance2a13b14c15inserted row6a07c08d19e110f1B2:B4,B6:B10B2=(COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,$A2)=1)+0 I have considered using...
  13. I

    Multiple Count Ifs

    Hello! I am using a countif to determine if an employee is assigned to something. AC lists the employees and anywhere from A to U is where I am looking for a match. This works great: =IF(COUNTIF(A:U,AC1)>0,"ASSIGNED","OPEN") That said, I am now trying to add if they are on PTO also. The PTO...
  14. M

    Automatically tagging text for data analysis

    Hi everyone and thank you for reading this. I have tried to play around with IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH... but I did not obtain exactly what I needed. Please, use the pic below as reference. Column D is the input. Column E is the output. Normally I fill in column E manually depending on what is in...
  15. C

    Stock inventory - count unique sequences from barcode

    Hi, I am looking to obtain an overall itemised count from a delivery taken from the scanned barcodes. The first image is the full inventory catalogue at where the items are looked up against. ABCDEFGH1ItemPart numberTests Per Kit ( tests x cartridge )2Amylase reagent4T8520640 (160x4)The full...
  16. S

    How to write count if but not not if

    I want to count items that are in the skirts dept but not if the sub dept is denim or sweater. How would I write that? Dept Store Set Qty Sample Status Expected XDate Sub Dept JACKETS/OUTERWEAR 16JUN 1 NEW 08/31/2023 DENIM SKIRTS 16JUN 1 NEW 08/31/2023 DENIM DENIM 16JUN 1 NEW 08/31/2023...
  17. B

    Find missing values in two lists

    Hi all, This should be a simple problem but I seem unable to sort it: I have a list of numerical and word product codes in B44:B60, e.g HJK/5566712/19 A macro button on each row can copy the data from B44 over to H44 when sent to another department. Hitting the button again undoes the...
  18. ibmy

    offset the formula,1 cell below to start calculation

    Hi Experts, I been thinking and try change current formula but not succesful to meet my need. Current Formula : Start from currrent cell GIJ1datatotalCount230.63240.150.860.3J3J3=IF(I3="","",COUNTIF(INDEX(G:G,ROW()+I3-1):G3,">0.5")) The best solution I have tried so far : but the result...
  19. hicksi

    Is there a bug in Excel RemoveDuplicates

    I have a list of words. And now I'm trying to ensure that they are all unique. If I take a copy of that list and RemoveDuplicates, then that removes duplicates, IRREGARDLESS of case. I then place a COUNTIF against that list to find the duplicate which has a count of 2. I then remove all...
  20. V

    Excel Formula for Count the Product and Last date of entry

    Hi, we have the following table where we want some results 1- total count of data (as result sheet) 2-Last date of entry for the product Data SnoDateP CodeC...

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