
  1. B

    Sorting data

    Hi! I have a huge list (60,000) of contact data including information I want and a lot I don’t need. It is unevenly spread across cells in a way that isn’t patterned throughout (like some of the data is in correct columns but some is not). I basically want to delete the excess data and sort the...
  2. airforceone

    AutoFilter Multi Columns with Date

    good day mate, need some guidance again, my code do run when not filtering between dates! but when I include the Date Covered in the range it does not show/filter intended record(s). Sub AutoFilterDate() Dim sDate As Long Dim eDate As Long sDate = Range("H1").Value eDate...
  3. BusinessAanalyst_Alpha

    How To Do Hiding Cells Like This.

    Hello Guys! I would like to ask how to do this, this is for filtering some Columns? Thank you very much.
  4. D

    Help with sorting through order data

    I’m trying to figure out how to filter 100k rows of data pulled in from a data connection. I’m trying to filter by part #s, but each part # could have anywhere from 1 order to 1000. So I’m trying to find a way that will return all orders for given part numbers. - sheet 1 is the data pulled in...
  5. Guybrush Threepwood

    Using Filter for Criteria in Multiple Columns and a Specific Row Range?

    Hi all. Here's a head-scratcher for you all... I have linked to an example workbook in Google Sheets below (unfortunately I don't have Excel on my home PC). Basically I have one worksheet - "Sheet 2" - with a bunch of data. I have another worksheet in the same workbook -"Sheet 1" - that I need...
  6. H

    Lookup (or Search) for a value in one column across a range of columns, then return the corresponding value for a different column

    I have a data set that includes alternate SKU's for products. The alternate SKU's may be in any one of 31 different columns. I have a list of alternate SKU's that I want to look for i the range. When found, I want the formula to return the corresponding value in a different column. This will be...
  7. A

    VBA Autofilter partial match in two column

    Hi all, I want to use the autofilter for partial match in two columns, it not works for two columns but works for one column. May I know how to revise the code? Sub Search() Dim Mws As Worksheet Dim PR As Worksheet Dim Rng As Range Set Mws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data input v2") Set PR =...
  8. C

    Filter and un-filter reveals my hidden rows. How to keep hidden?

    I've tried several things and searched but can't find an easy solution. I have approx 400 sporadic hidden rows that i'm hiding formulas. When I filter, and then remove filter, my previously hidden rows are revealed. Is there a way to keep them hidden? I used a macro to filter as well and see I...
  9. K

    help with vba and multiple filters

    Hi, I have some values in column A which just contain an 'x'. Then I have some values in column C that just contain a 'y'. I want to have some vba code that will filter all rows that have an 'x' in A OR a 'y' in C. Is it possible? James
  10. charlesstricklin

    Trying to learn FILTER

    Hey again everybody, I've "upgraded" to Office 2010 (sorry, not going to pay for a subscription, at least not right now) and I'm trying to learn about the FILTER function. For example data, I have (in my sheet) columns G and H, beginning at 1: Date Amount 1/1/2023$ 112.642/4/2023$...
  11. D

    Using 'Indirect' on a result from filter

    Hi, I have used filter to bring back one text name from a range = LET( fv, FILTER(Sheet1!$G$5:$G$10,Sheet1!$H$5:$H$10="Y"),fv) I would like to feed this into 'Indirect' , but it does not seem to work? if I refer to the cell which the above is in this does. so...
  12. staticfluids

    Dynamic Array Formula (FILTER) But Show the Other Criteria with Blank

    Hi, first of all, sorry for my bad English. I have been looking for a solution here, trial and error by myself, and the Microsoft forum as well. But haven't found any solution that satisfies the needs. I think it's possible but I don't know how to put it into Excel formula. The logic is like...
  13. A

    Dynamically add new rows via VBA when using IFERROR TEXTJOIN and FILTER formulas from Table?

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I apologise in advance as it might take me a bit to explain what I need. I'm trying to dynamically/automatically add new rows underneath the existing row that contains a FILTER formula that is working across multiple sheets. I will try my best to explain...
  14. R

    Dynamic filter help.

    I keep getting a Div/0 error with this formula =FILTER('Job Register'!A:AT,(ISNUMBER('Job Register'!AT:AT))*(('Job Register'!AT:AT<-0.02)+('Job Register'!AT:AT>0.02))) My column AT has both blank cells and #div/0! cells. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  15. duteberta

    Table filter search box VBA not working...

    I've been working all day to no avail. Not sure why table is not filtering when activating this macro. Option Explicit Sub AgentFilter() Dim aQuery As String Dim LastRow As Long With sh_AGENTS LastRow = .Range("C999999999").End(xlUp).Row If...
  16. W

    Combining Filter function with Indirect/Concatenate to look up from another worksheet

    Hi, I've created a formula that works fine if it is within the sheet where the data originates, if is filtering the routes our vans will be taking and excludes any blank routes (if a van is not scheduled out that day). But I want to have the summary in another sheet dynamically changing based on...
  17. S

    lookup return from range of dates

    I need to lookup & return an interest rate between date ranges. Any date between June 1, 2020 - March 31, 2022; return 2.00% Any date between April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023; return 3.00% data table 2.00% 6/1/2020 3/31/2022 3.00% 4/1/2022 6/30/2023 3.92% 7/1/2023 12/31/2023 5.33%...
  18. FrumpyJones

    Is it possible to do a multiple Filter-sort?

    So while I know, ultimately, that I can do what I'm about to ask with a custom sort, I have a shared spreadsheet that is constantly having rows added, and deleted (I.E. they add to the bottom, but might just delete row 5), which means that I would have to redo the custom sort EVERY TIME I HAVE...
  19. H

    Combination Filtering

    I have 2 sheets Form_ERR and DataBase_ERR. Form_ERR has: - Cell L11 - where a number can be entered Cell L14 - dropdown selection containing Names Cell L16 - dropdown selection containing Categories Cell L18 - dropdown selection contain Departments Cell L20 - dropdown selection containing...
  20. A

    paste results from filter function in 2 columns

    Is there any way to take the data that is pulled from a filter function and split them into 2 seperate columns. As an example, I have data in Column A and B. I am filtering the data using a critria in cell D1 to match in B column. The fucntion pulls a total of 10 results. Can this data be...

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