
  1. G


    In the table in Columns F, G, H, this is the "final result" of the data, and I've plotted a simple line graph for Column F and Column H. I noticed there's some sort of (exponential?) growth decay for Column H? Is there a (mathematical) way to get an equation/formula for the 2 curves? In the...
  2. T

    Linear Extrapolation / Forecast for upcoming months

    Hello Everyone, I have got a data model at hand with several dimensions including date, hierarchical and structural fields as seen in the table below. What I now would like to do is to calculate sales for upcoming months of the current year. How it's supposed to be calculated is shown in the...
  3. C

    Add forecast to pivot table based on query

    I created a query and a pivot table, and now want to add a forecast. The query outputs the following columns: Company, Area, Department, Year, Month, Total. The pivot table is based on it and has the following settings: Columns: Year, Month Rows: Company, Area, Department Values: Sum of Total...
  4. O

    Helpful Tool: Reserve Spending and Budget Tracker

    So it's not really a question (unless anyone has a suggestion for a better way to go about it) and if this isn't the place to post this sort of thing please let me know, but I've put together a sheet in my budget that tracks the account that my bills are set to auto-pay from and forecasts out...
  5. C


    Help me please. I would like to know the possible probability, forecast, and trend. If you are given 2 possible outcome with atleast 1-60 given outcomes. For insctance, if you have 100 ballpens, and the only colors are BLUE and RED. then you want to know the possible color you would pick next...
  6. M

    Gas & Electricity Forecast Spreadsheet

    Hi all, I was wondering if I could ask for some help? Has anyone got a spreadsheet or could anyone help support with putting together a spreadsheet where you can input your Gas and Electricity meter readings daily and based on your current usage it can forecast what your bill at the end of...
  7. J

    Forecast By division help

    My ask is "Please use the attached excel file as your total event sales forecast for Q3 and Q4. The ask is simply to break these forecasts out into Northern, Southern, Western. Feel free to set up the data/table however you feel makes sense, whether in a data set that we can pivot or table."...
  8. S

    Forecast 'S Curve' with only Start & Finish Values over a Given Time Period

    Hi, please help. I'm not sure if this is even possible. I am trying to create an "S Curve" chart as a predicted forecast. The only data I have is Years to go on the X Axis and "Start / Finish" values for the Y Axis. X Axis Y Axis 2022 0 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 150000...
  9. P

    Forecast the value of an asset

    Greetings experts! I need to develop a query that will forecast the value of an asset. There is an initial value and an amendment on a certain date in the future, and an expiration date. The query would need to show the initial value on the [DateOfIssue] and display that value for each month...
  10. B

    Forecast / Outlook Sales Needed

    Hey Experts, I'm sure you'll nail this super quick but basically, I'm trying to forecast what's needed by week to achieve a set goal. I'm wanting my team to input their forecast then the future week's volumes will change to then deliver the monthly targets for the remainder of the year So from...
  11. J

    Forecasting resourcing using S-Curve and Polynomials

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a worksheet that will allow me to dynamically forecast resource requirements for projects. The idea is that the sheet requires data relating to project start and end dates, as well as the estimated resource effort at the project's maximum. Using a 'standard'...
  12. J

    Return a row (containing dates), above a row of values

    Hello, please please can someone help me: I have a simple forecasting sheet, where each month a payment is made, until the value reaches £0. The example below, shows two lots of £500 per month - however if the payments were to increase or decrease this would change the month were £0 is...
  13. I

    FormulaR1C1 + Error 1004

    Hi, I have written some code that looks for column headings to locate the columns of data required in my formula, thus returning a column number. So logically the best method of creating my formula in the cell is to use the FormulaR1C1 function in vba, however I have been unsuccessful in getting...
  14. Y

    Forecasting using past and current year

    I know there's a way but I'm drawing a blank on best approach and method. I have one rolling year of data so say July 2019 to June 2020. However, on the report I'm only showing year to date so January to June. What I'd like to be able to do is from July to December provide a projection based on...
  15. M

    Estimating staff costs based on start and end dates, by month

    Hello all, I am trying to create a staffing budget that will pro-rate their gross salary into each pay period, taking into account any contract changes i.e. a member of staff may reduce hours in year, and I would like to create a template that would allow for the new contract to be entered, and...
  16. M

    Fcstt v Previous Fcst

    Hello! I am hoping some brilliant minds can help me out here. I am working on a Excel forecast model that will be constantly updated as we forecast and re-forecast expected company revenue. I can easily do versus static target and versus static LY. However, what I also really want is to somehow...
  17. E

    Workload Forecasting Excel Workbook Corrupting

    Hello, I have multiple questions about a tool we have been using for several years. It is an excel workbook to track and forecast man hours for an engineering/design company. We do multiple small jobs and are tracking around 50 at one time. Each job has it's own workbook with weeks along the...
  18. Johnny C

    Linked cells ignoring the folder where the files with the same name are stored in different folders

    I have a load of models that are stored in a folder for each day. Last thing at night I create the next day's folder and copy all the files into it from that day. This is because we need to be able to track where and when changes were made. There might be hundreds of changes made in a day, too...
  19. Johnny C

    Excel 365 ProPlus - saved links giving 'old' values?

    I have a model that generates charts for PowerPoint. The values in the table for the chart are linked to another workbook. Each day the models are copied to a new folder with the date in, as we need to keep a close audit trail. So the value in one of the cells could be ='F:\3 Year...
  20. Cris_93

    Macro to built final file from 3 different files

    Hello Excel masters :smile: I need your help in order to develop a final file (CustomerForecast) from 3 different files with some restrictions. The final file should have the below format. The columns "FactType" and "Unit" should have always the same values. <tbody> Depot/StoreFormat...

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