
  1. M

    Finding cell with highest/lowest index from dropdown list?

    Wasn't too sure how to word this, but here is the situation: - A table ("Table1") with several columns; focus is on columns 1,2,4 - Column 4 contains a dropdown menu, which uses the list called "Steps", which is defined as G2:G6 - I need to find a given person's most/least progressed step (the...
  2. C


    Hi all! I am having an issue with XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP and can't figure out if it is a formatting error with the text, specifically the 'XH' at the start of the text To my eyes, I have checked the data set both sides and the format is the same for both so the lookup's should work The formula...
  3. Rob_010101

    Weekly meeting tracker

    Hello, Each week, my whole company attends a meeting. Before each meeting, an email is sent out with a Microsoft Forms link which the whole company must complete to state they've acknowledged and understand the briefing. This is because some employees who work nights can't attend a daytime...
  4. R

    Updating several formulas on a sheet, but not with the same data.

    I have a sheet with several formulas that need to be updated. The old and new formulas are all the same, but with different reference cells in each. Can I update them all at once? Here are the first 3 examples, there are a lot more, which is why I don't want to do them individually. Old...
  5. R

    Ayuda con formula

    Hola, tengo una tabla donde tengo las 52 semanas del año en curso de la columna de la columna I para la primer semana hasta la columna BH para la semana 52, quiero contar los datos por meses, se que puedo usar COUNTIFS para contar cada columna pero quiero que automaticamente me cambie...
  6. F

    Can we make charts dynamic using formulas (INDEX MATCH and MAX) in Google Sheets

    This question is for Google Sheets. I'm asking two questions in one post, both are related to the same thing. Is there a way we can use formulas like in the picture below, to achieve the results, instead of hardcoding the ranges in the charts setup? It is also crossposted here, no answers so...
  7. D

    Split and search for values in cell

    Good Morning I wondering if its possible to create a formula that would split a cell by a comma and keep only the values that start with "TV -". Keep only unique values Take the data and insert a line feed between each grouped value before saving it to the column as shown in the...
  8. D

    Create totals using drag down

    Good Afternoon Could a formula be created to count occurrences of values in ranges and list the occurrences at the conclusion of values in column a. example - looking for a total count of Crits would find 2 values that fall in the Ranges value of 900-1000 [the ones showing 1000] Next looking...
  9. P

    Calculate Number of Work, Annual Leave and Sick Hours from Budgeted Hours

    I am trying to figure out how to determine the number of Work, Annual and Sick hours an employee would be assigned based on their allocated budget. Once an employee works 500 hours they are entitled to one hour of annual leave per every 15 hours worked and 1 hour of sick leave for every 20...
  10. D

    Count ifs formula

    hi - First post in a very long time - I'm wondering if someone could help please? I am trying to work out how we can establish our stock levels Each row would identify either a customer order - using columns for customer name and product code or an item in stock using the term "stock" and...
  11. J

    Returning ALL Records in a List

    Hello, I do not know how to return multiple records for a single item which occurs multiple times in another list. What formula do I use to return multiple records? List #1 List #2 Item A...
  12. J

    Formula gets count of unique values not <> to a status - return those values...

    Formula gets count of unique values not <> to a status - return those values in a list to see what the text is for the not in X status.
  13. Rob_010101

    Filter Data?

    Hello, I track the whole company's absence on a single excel tracker (excerpt below). At the end of each week, I am required to provide an individual absence report to managers in each location. There are currently 62 in the business across 8 locations and this is hours of work on a Friday. We...
  14. B

    VBA for New Table Data Calculations

    Good Afternoon Everyone, I'm starting to dial back in on creating macros and I'm wondering if there's a way to either capture all of my left column formulas and drag them over to the right while also capturing the changes between each formula. For example (left)...
  15. RiRi ChickenPie

    Formula for Copying Specific Data to a New Sheet

    Hello world, I would like to create a formula that copies all the data from rows which contain "00" in the last two digits of column L, to a new sheet (such as the cells highlighted in yellow). I know I could sort column L by "00" in the last two digits and then copy/paste, but I am trying to...
  16. Rob_010101

    Formula returning incorrect results

    Hello, Apologies but my work won't allow XL2BB for security reasons. The formula in column G is: =IFERROR(SUM(F9-C9)/F9, "") This returns a percentage increase or decrease between the figures in columns F and C. However, the exact same formula in column J: =IFERROR(SUM(I9-F9)/I9, "")...
  17. Rob_010101

    Complicated SUMIFS/COUNTIFS Formulas Required

    Hello, I have two sheets, named: 1. Master Data - This sheet will be updated daily by pasting a system report over the existing data 2. 2022 - I want to calculate some stats from the master data sheet on this sheet The gist of this is, I need to report on people who leave between 0 and 5...
  18. M

    i want to distribute a value based on 2 values

    i create daily stock distribution order and want to distribute a value (warehouse stock) based on 2 different values(pharmacy stock & pharmacy sales). For example, my stock in warehouse is 20 units and in a pharmacy the stock for same item is 10 units but the sales of that item in that pharmacy...
  19. E

    IF Formula

    Hi I have a formula that works perfectly but instead of returning FALSE and would like to be blank. Can anyone please help =IF(F7=0,MAX(INDEX((Append1[Compliance_Officer]=Sheet1!C7)*Append1[Date_Assessed],))) Many thanks
  20. S

    VBA Macro to apply formulas to all worksheets in a workbook

    Hi All, Kind of new to VBA, and have been studying previous posts I have 100s of worksheets with different ranges, but all need the same formulas applied to column A and B (if blank, preferably so that i can add and update the worksheets later). I can only get A2 to populate, any chance...

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