
  1. H

    Selecting most recent date in slicer VBA

    I'm stumped on this one - I'm currently automating a file and I need the macro to select the most recent date slicer dynamically. My current code is selecting all of the dates listed in the slicer instead of the most recent date. Sub maxdateslicer() Sheets("FIP").Select...
  2. D

    Slicers/ formulas no longer working

    The original creator of a spreadsheet has left the company and I have inherited the Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet 1st tab INPUTDATA purpose is to input/enter all data. Another tab, is for reporting purposes. Click a button and displays the relevant data. Another tab Formulas that...
  3. P

    PowePivot - Create a slicer of a measure or calculate values from one table using filter from another table

    Hello, I've been struggling quiet a lot with this issue and been looking high and low but I'm not able to find any answer. Hopefully some master can help me solve this issue! I have two table, lets call them Table1 and Table 2 in Power Pivot. They have relation to each other through Column...
  4. B

    Filter Power Pivot by the result of a measure

    Hello, I have a Power Pivot table (see below) that shows the emails reply rate (number treated/number received) for the employees of a company, If they replied to at least 80 % of the emails. the target is reached (YES). I have created a calculated column that show for each person, service and...
  5. M

    Turn day over day data into pivot chart filtered by name

    Names columns Dates column Ok so I have this table that has dates on one side and names on the other. I am trying to figure out how to turn it into a pivot table where I can filter by name so I can add it to the slicer for the rest of my dashboard. I have tried it as the original data and...
  6. B

    Pivot Table question - could be impossible to implement

    Hi, I have table queries which are appended into one query. see below I have a sheet which some fields are taken from above (some not shown here) see below Columns 1 - 3 are Pivot Table fields Merged cells in merged column 4 is formula cell - The result of the formula will show text of the...
  7. S

    VBA or Slicer / Power Query - Is it possible to select pivot table fields (column headers)

    I am working with a price list and would like to select pivot table fields (column headers) based on the price level (PL) selected which is also a column headers. The price level is indicated by Z0 and Z1. This particular column header can be used or not as part of the solution because there is...
  8. R

    Plotting multiple data sets by year in Excel

    Hello, I have about have about 3 years worth of sales data and I'm comparing in-store to online sales. I summarized my data in a pivot table and included two slicers to easily click on a year and month to view the total sales for that period. I'd like to use a graph to show a visual of this...
  9. S

    Slicer update after all slicers selected

    Hi, I have an issue that when I'm working with many slicers I have to wait each time I make changes to my slicers before I can go to the next slicer to make my selections. I wonder if there is a way to work with all slicers before the pivot table refreshes. Thanks
  10. Q

    How to merge 3 files on excel, manage Pivot Data and Slicer

    Hello All, I have 3 files have different data formats and fields. There is one common field amongst the 3 reports. The Location ID. The three Files would have different details each of which are connected by the Location ID. First one, the employee register. Second is the Monthly Costing...
  11. welshraz

    Reset First Slicer When Second Slicer is Changed

    Hello! I have two slicers - one which filters by region, and the other that filters by project. The people who consume the dashboard seem to not understand how to remove the filtering from the slicers in order to see only one or the other. I have found this thread, which is close to what I am...
  12. Z

    Slicer Problem with Rank Function

    Hi Everyone, I am working on a practice file with help of a video explaining every step to create a dashboard file. Everything went fine and clearly understood until I came to the Rank function to get the top rank of the products. The function worked fine but when I click on any slicer to...
  13. M

    I would like to make a macro that loops down a pivot table slicer list and create separate sheets based on data from each slicer selection.

    So I have a sheet that has a pivot table in the "Pivot Table Reference" tab, that has a slicer called reviewee name. Based on what is selected on that slicer that pivot table is referenced in a sheet on the "Output Sheet" tab. What I need is some kind of a VBA cycle code that can automatically...
  14. mrMadCat

    Slicer started disappearing and is not clickable, slicer button greyed out

    Hi! I have one file that has a pivot table with a slicer that started acting weird recently. When I open it, sometimes slicer in it is not visible, and even if it is, when I click on it only the cells behind it are affected as if there was no slicer at all. Option Add slicer and Add timeline is...
  15. D

    Excel VBA Code needed to connect 3 slicers to pivot table without right clicking and selecting report connections for each slicer

    Hi All, I recorded a macro to see if there was a way after I inserted 3 slicers, to select report connections for each of the slicers to select pivot table without having to right click and select report connections for each slicer. This is the below macro code from the recorder: Sub...
  16. H

    How to change the format to currency in slicer?

    Hi - For the life of me, I cannot find a way to change the format to currency in a slicer....Please help!
  17. R

    Filtering Slicer based on cell value

    Good morning all, I have already searched on this and other forums for where I'm going wrong, but nothing I've found has helped... I am trying to filter a year-based slicer from the values in two cells. The code I've got so far works if &[Year1] is changed to &[2022] etc., but trying to pull in...
  18. D

    Excel Slicer With Grand Total Metrics

    I'm trying to add the grand total row from my pivot table to my slicer. My slicer currently controls A lot of my charts and I want to be able to see the subtotals/grand totals of my certain field in my pivot table, displayed onto my chart. I cannot add a calculated item to my pivot table as I...
  19. M

    Extract selected text value on a slicer

    Assuming I do not allow multi select on a slicer e.g. Option 1 Option 2 How could I extract the text e.g. Option 2 if selected into a cell. A quick Google wants either PowerBI / Pivot which is incompatible with my current worksheet setup.
  20. M

    Easiest way to filter a slicer?

    If I have a slicer with a column ID containing e.g. 1. 1.01 1.02 1.1 2 2.1 2.2 How can I filter that slicer to only show whole numbers but if 2 is selected also show 2.1/2.2

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