
  1. N

    Frame scrollbar resets when clicking on/in frame

    Dear all, I've been trying to make a Userform which contains: - Textbox, used as search input - Search button - Load button (not coded yet) - Frame: - Checkboxes (dynamically made) - Scrollbar When I've used the search function, the scrollbar moves to the found value (image 2)...
  2. S

    VBA linking Class(es) and Userforms

    Hello, I am a long time user of VBA but i never had the need to deal with userforms until recently i started digging into it. I have been following OOP lessons at university and as a rubberduck user (in the sense that i read a lot of the VBA advices given on the blog) i found more coherent the...
  3. D

    VBA Basic Userform - add -update -delete

    Please see the “Assignment 4” screencast for a detailed demonstration of what you are trying to create in this assignment. In the starter file, we have the seven dwarves and their phone numbers: Obviously, with so few records it would be easy just to edit the cells/spreadsheet directly...
  4. WildBurrow

    Userform write to multiple textboxes on specific pages

    I found the following code that provides the function I need (sorry, I forgot to snag contributor's name). Private Sub txtPriCO1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Select Case KeyAscii Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeyBack, vbKeyClear, vbKeyDelete, _ vbKeyLeft...
  5. B

    format Date in a Userform TextBox (yyyy-mm-dd) from data entered in a cell

    Hi I presently have the following: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim TargetRow As Integer Dim FullName As String 'full name Dim xRg As Range Dim xCell As Range Dim i As Long Dim J As Long Dim k As Long Sheets("Staffing-Processes").Range("Ref").Offset(TargetRow, 28).Value = TextBox24...
  6. SeniorNewbie

    Create/Delete/Reset module and userform by VBA

    Hi out there, my project is about creating userforms based on the values in a worksheet. People planning their USFs in advance or work with templates can accelerate the setup in a smart way. The code to create this both items is: ' the objects are declared as VBComponent Set mdl =...
  7. G

    Bug with passing variables between user forms--VBA

    I have a userform (frmMatrix) where the user enters the current Heat Index and Population of Interest and is returned with a statement of recommended protective measures. Next, they are asked if they would like to make a record of these protective measures in my Data Entry form (frmForm). Upon...
  8. J

    Forced to discard digital signature after opening and immediately saving an Macro-Enabled Excel file

    Hi all, so recently I've made some changes to a .xlsm Excel file and then digitally signed it. I then opened the .xlsm Excel file and saved [CTRL + S] immediately without doing anything. An error message saying that "You have modified a signed project. You do not have the correct key to sign...
  9. A

    How to select Items after dynamically creating CheckBox

    Hello, I have what is supposed to be a simple problem with dynamic Checkbox. I'm making a list CheckBox in UserForm. Dim chkbox As MSForms.CheckBox Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 3 Set chkbox = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "Checkbox_" & i) chkbox.Caption = "Test " & i...
  10. T

    UserForm Close Event Hangs

    Through use of multiple UserForms I open a 2nd workbook that I hide and then may get or write data to that workbook before closing it. All was good until I noticed that when the red X in upper right corner (Close event) of forms was clicked that the 2nd workbook was left open and hidden. To...
  11. R

    Extracting variables from a UserForm for use in ThisWorkbook module

    I'm using this section of code to call the variables lowOut And upOut from a user form, but can't seem to get it to cooperate. ' ThisWorkbook Module 'this code runs first sub ProccesData() ~~~some other variable~~~ Dim lowOut As Double Dim upOut As Double Load ChartRange...
  12. J

    Listbox rowsource in personal working folder

    Hi, Im trying to create a listbox in my personal working folder. Normally the data is already in the workbook so you can select the cells and link this to the listbox rowsource. But now I want the rowsource in the code itself and not in the workbook. I dont want the data in the workbook. How can...
  13. H

    Catching the Mouse Click Error in Modal User Form

    Good morning! I'll start with the the goal. I have an excel workbook for data collection. The user can enter data using a form. The user can also edit entries, which brings the data back into the form. I'd like the user to be able to open multiple forms at once. The issue is that the mouse...
  14. T

    Choose Image in Excel VBA

    Hello everyone, I am currently creating an entry form in VBA. I have the image box and I have set up a command button to select the image from my computer storage. However, this is only able to select the image I have told it to select. I need to be able to select different images every time I...
  15. F

    Userform textbox launches another userform

    I have a userform with two textboxes for users to enter dates. I have code that when the user clicks into one of the text boxes a second userform will appear. My issue is the second userform only appears once for each textbox. When the main user form appears, and either text box is clicked...
  16. T

    "Compile Error: Out of memory" with complex userform and many vba subroutines

    I have a spreadsheet with a fairly complex userform that acts as a UI. I believe the issue is caused by the ammount of controls i have on my userform as it was working fine upto a point. I have already upgraded from 32 bit excel to 64 which solved the issue at an earlier stage when i had less...
  17. M

    .gif does not animate using userform

    Note: I cannot use microsoft web browser as the dll seems to be missing for me and all the other solutions uses doEvents. Furthermore, my image seemed to turn into a bitmap (which gif is from my understanding) I would like the gif to animate even without doEvents (i.e. when unlocking other...
  18. P

    Userform - Only allow one OptionButton to be selected inside multipage within a Frame with other OptionButtons

    Currently working on a userform and quite new to it. I have a multipage (with 2 pages of OptionButtons) inside a frame which also contains 4 other Optionbuttons. Is there a way to ensure that once I click a option button inside the mutlipage that it deselects the option button outside of it and...
  19. P

    Looping through text boxes and checkbox captions on a user form

    On a user form, I have 2 sets of 25 text boxes and 1 set of 25 checkbox named TextQty, TextPrice, CheckBox respectively. I am trying to pull the checkbox caption and the values inside the textboxes into a listbox if the checkbox is selected. I want to be loop through each set of the textboxes...
  20. E

    Using Results of a Userform in a module which uses values from workbook to return a result

    I'm trying to figure out how to use the results from a userform, in a module which will use the results to find a value from the workbook. I.e. Instead of using multiple input boxes, I want to use a userform. I don't know how I should code the OK button on my userform to allow me to use the...

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