can't copy between workbooks

Erich Duff

Board Regular
Apr 20, 2005

This is driving me crazy. I have a workbook that has lots of coding and formatting, etc. When I copy cells in that workbook and go to another workbook, there's nothing on the clipboard. It'll let me copy within its own workbook, just not to any other ones. And all other workbooks let me copy between them no problem. It only seems to be that first workbook that has that problem. Any ideas what might cause that?


Excel Facts

How can you turn a range sideways?
Copy the range. Select a blank cell. Right-click, Paste Special, then choose Transpose.
Hi - you problably an event that disables the copy.

Open VB (Alt F11) and insert a new module (Insert>Module) and copy this code in;

Sub switch_off()
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Sub

Sub switch_on()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Run switch_off and copy and paste your data, then run the switch_on macro.
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Thanks, Jimboy!!! works perfectly. I can't for the life of me figure out which code is messing it up to begin with, but it'll give me something to think about this weekend.


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It's either in the workbook your copying from or the workbook you are pasting to.

First, select the wb you are copying from and open vb, press control R to view the project (usually on the left) - find the project for you wb and double click on ThisWorkbook, this will open the module on the right. If there is no code in this module do the same for the wb you are pasting into.

If there is no code in either sheet then it must me code from the sheet, above ThisWorkbook are the modules for each sheet, double click on both sheets and you should find some code.

When you find the code go to the first line of code and press F9 this will insert a break (control shift F9 to remove the break) before the code runs vb will open with that line selected, press F8 to run the selected line - one of these lines is causing the copy functoin to stop.
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