Closed workbook too deep for Sumproduct?


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hi everyone,

I have an issue that I just need to try to find the answer for. I use an index/match/sumproduct megaformula that has worked just fine from our server since I started using it. It basically allows me to enter the formula in an open workbook (or using VBA) and pulls the lookup info from the related column data into my table from a closed workbook on the server.

It's basically like this. I have a helper column on the right of a date column and the formula goes there. The formula looks at the date searches two date columns in the closed workbook to see if the date falls between them and then returns the associated tag from the third column in the closed workbook.

The problem now is that I want to move it to a different server and put it a few folders deeper, but it won't work if I do that. Currently it is like:
G:\MyFolder\datafile.xls which is a server folder. I want to move it to server M:\Main\Macros\Q\Quest\datafile.xls and this makes me get a #REF error. Is there such a thing as going too deep into subfolders when using Sumproduct?

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Yeah ^_^; it actually is but so is the one that works. The new one that I want to make is 839 but the one that works is 612. I would love to make it shorter, but it's an if(iserror(index(match(sumproduct...etc.) and since I had to repeat the first part to account for the error return it's really really long. I suppose that could be the problem...maybe it's outgrown itself. Rats.

I guess that means I'm stuck leaving it in my folder. I'm just trying to centralize some of the data and have it make sense. I'll try seeing if putting it a few levels up makes it work. Sigh. :(
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