Code to Customize Bank statement


Banned for repeated rules violations
Mar 26, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello Experts

I have this code which customizes bank statement as I want it to be. This code works for one particular bank only. AS there are N number of banks and the format and heading of each bank is different, I am not able to edit the code accordingly. AS the code was shared without comments, I don’t have any idea what some of the lines in the code actually do. The code in the VBA editor window works for the bank hidden in the workbook only. There is another code which is to be included in this bank code which combines text of multiple rows at each change in date. I need your expertise to edit both the codes wherever required and get the result as shown in the expected result sheet. I request you to please add a comment at line of code so that I can create multiple apps depending on each bank.
The sheet Bank is the original form as and when the data is received. I need the code for this sheet and get the result as in sheet Expected Result.
P.S: The code in the visual basic is only for reference purpose as it will help to solve more than 50% of the work. To test the code Bank Clean Data in the workbook you have to unhide the bank and name it as Bank.Customize New Bank.xlsm
The amounts still have more than 2 decimal places

This version should remedy that:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub Bank_CleanDataV3()
'solved by JohnnyL 24-06-2022
    Dim ArrayRow                            As Long, OutputRow                              As Long
    Dim BlankRows                           As Long, CurrentRow                             As Long
    Dim SheetRow                            As Long, StartRow                               As Long
    Dim OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber    As Long, OutputDateColumnNumber                 As Long
    Dim OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber     As Long, OutputNarrationColumnNumber            As Long
    Dim OutputLineColumnNumber              As Long, OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber          As Long
    Dim OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber       As Long, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber     As Long
    Dim SourceChqRefColumnNumber            As Long, SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber       As Long
    Dim SourceConCatColumnNumber            As Long, SourceDateColumnNumber                 As Long
    Dim SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber     As Long
    Dim SourceNarrationColumnNumber         As Long, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn           As Long
    Dim OutputCheckColumnLetter             As String, OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter     As String
    Dim OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter     As String, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter   As String
    Dim SourceConCatColumnLetter            As String, SourceDateColumnLetter               As String
    Dim OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet       As String
    Dim OutputEmptyColumnLetter             As String
    Dim NewSheetName                        As String
    Dim HeaderArray                         As Variant, SourceArray                         As Variant, OutputArray()   As Variant
    Dim SourceSheet                         As Worksheet, OutputSheet                       As Worksheet
    Set SourceSheet = Worksheets("New Bank")                                        ' <-- Set this to the sheet to use for the input data
     OutputCheckColumnLetter = "J"                                                  ' <--- Set this to OutputCheckColumnLetter
    SourceConCatColumnLetter = "B"                                                  ' <--- Set this to the source column that needs Concat function
      SourceDateColumnLetter = "A"                                                  ' <--- Set this to source column of Dates
                NewSheetName = "Bank"                                               ' <--- Set this to the NewSheetName
                    StartRow = 2                                                    ' <--- Set this to the starting row of data
      OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber = 9                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber
                OutputDateColumnNumber = 2                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputDateColumnNumber
       OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber = 7                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber
                OutputLineColumnNumber = 1                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputLineColumnNumber
           OutputNarrationColumnNumber = 8                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputNarrationColumnNumber
         OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber = 5                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber
         OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber = 3                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber
    OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber = 6                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputWithdrawalAmountColumn
            SourceChqRefColumnNumber = 3                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceChqRefColumnNumber
    SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber = 7                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber
              SourceDateColumnNumber = 1                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceDateColumnNumber
     SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber = 6                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber
         SourceNarrationColumnNumber = 2                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceNarrationColumnNumber
        SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn = 5                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn
    HeaderArray = Array("Line", "Date", "Voucher Type", "Voucher No.", _
            "Tally Ledger Name", "Withdrawal Amt.", "Deposit Amt.", _
            "Narration", "Closing Balance", "Check")                                ' <--- Set Array of headers to write to the created sheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                              ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Sheets.Add(After:=SourceSheet).Name = NewSheetName                              ' Add new sheet after the sheet used for the input
    Set OutputSheet = Worksheets(NewSheetName)                                      ' Set OutputSheet to the sheet to use for the output data
    SourceSheet.UsedRange.Copy OutputSheet.Range("A1")                              ' Copy SourceSheet to OutputSheet
    SourceConCatColumnNumber = OutputSheet.Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & 1).Column   ' Convert SourceConCatColumnLetter to SourceConCatColumnNumber
    SourceDateColumnNumber = OutputSheet.Range(SourceDateColumnLetter & 1).Column   ' Convert SourceDateColumnLetter to SourceDateColumnNumber
    OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet = Split(OutputSheet.Cells(1, (OutputSheet.Cells.Find("*", _
            , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)      ' Get last Column Letter used in Output sheet
    BlankRows = 0                                                                   ' Initialize BlankRows
    OutputRow = 0                                                                   ' Initialize OutputRow
    SourceArray = OutputSheet.Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & _
            OutputSheet.Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2  ' Save data from sheet into SourceArray
    ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1), 1 To 1)                          ' Set OutputArray to same # of rows as the SourceArray
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1)                                      ' Loop through the rows of the SourceArray
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDateColumnNumber) <> vbNullString Then       '   If Date is not blank then ...
            OutputRow = OutputRow + 1                                               '       Increment OutputRow
            CurrentRow = OutputRow + BlankRows                                      '       Get total of OutputRow + BlankRows and save to CurrentRow
            OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) = SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceConCatColumnNumber)    '       Save Concat word to OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1)
        Else                                                                        '   Else ...
            BlankRows = BlankRows + 1                                               '       Increment BlankRows
            OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) = OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) & _
                    " " & SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceConCatColumnNumber)           '       Append a space & next Concat word to OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1)
        End If
    Next                                                                            ' Loop back
    With OutputSheet
        .Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & SourceConCatColumnLetter & _
                .Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & _
                .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2 = OutputArray                    '   Write Concat column back to new sheet
        On Error Resume Next                                                        '   Ignore error in next line if no blank rows were found to delete
        .Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete                       '   If cell in used range of column A is blank then delete that row
        For SheetRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row To StartRow Step -1   '   Loop backwards through the rows
            If Not IsDate(.Cells(SheetRow, 1)) Then _
                    .Cells(SheetRow, 1).EntireRow.Delete                            '       If cell in used range of Column A is not a date then delete row
        Next                                                                        '   Loop back
    End With
    SourceArray = OutputSheet.Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & _
            OutputSheet.Range(SourceDateColumnLetter & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)   ' Load Data from new sheet into SourceArray
    ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1), 1 To UBound(HeaderArray) + 1)    ' Set # of rows & columns for the OutputArray
    OutputSheet.UsedRange.Clear                                                     ' Erase the OutputSheet
    OutputRow = 0                                                                   ' Reset OutputRow
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1)                                      ' Loop through the rows of data in the SourceArray
        OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputLineColumnNumber) = ArrayRow                    '   Save the Line # to Column 1 of OutputArray
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputDateColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDateColumnNumber)                       '   Save Date to Column 2 of OutputArray
' voucher type
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn) <> 0 Then            '   If Withdrawal Amt. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber) = "Payment"        '       Put "Payment" in Column 3 of OutputArray
        ElseIf SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber) <> 0 Then     '   Else if Deposit Amt. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber) = "Receipt"        '       Put "Receipt" in Column 3 of OutputArray
        End If
'voucher #
' ???
'Tally Ledger Name
' ???
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber) = "Suspense"           '   Not sure if this is supposed to be hard coded?
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn)                 '   Save Withdrawal Amount to Column 6 of OutputArray
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber)              '   Save Deposit Amount to Column 7 of OutputArray
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceChqRefColumnNumber) <> 0 Then                '   If Chq./Ref.No. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputNarrationColumnNumber) = SourceArray(ArrayRow, _
                    SourceNarrationColumnNumber) & " Chq./Ref.No. " & _
                    SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceChqRefColumnNumber)                 '       Save Narration & Chq./Ref.No. to Column 8 of OutputArray
        Else                                                                        '   Else ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputNarrationColumnNumber) = _
                    SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceNarrationColumnNumber)              '       Save Narration to Column 8 of OutputArray
        End If
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber)             '   Save Closing Balance to Column 9 of OutputArray
    Next                                                                            ' Loop back
    With OutputSheet
        .Range("A1").Resize(, UBound(HeaderArray) + 1) = HeaderArray                '   Write the array of headers to first row of new sheet
        .Range("A2").Resize(UBound(OutputArray, 1), UBound(OutputArray, 2)) = OutputArray   '   Display OutputArray to new sheet starting on row 2
        OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet = Split(.Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", _
            , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)      ' Get last Column Letter used in Output sheet
        .Columns(OutputDateColumnNumber).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"                '   Set Date format of new sheet Column B to "dd-mm-yyyy"
        OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                  '   Convert OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber to OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter
        OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                   '   Convert OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber to OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter
        OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                '   Convert OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber to OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter
        With .Columns(OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter & ":" & OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter)
            .NumberFormat = "0.00"                                                  '       Set NumberFormat of Columns F:G on new sheet to 2 decimal places
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow).Formula = "=RC[-1]"              '   Set initial value of 'Check' column (J2)
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow + 1 & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter & .Range("A" & _
                .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=R[-1]C+RC[-3]-RC[-4]"       '   Write rest of formulas to 'Check' column (J3 to last row)
        OutputEmptyColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, .Range(OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & 1).Column _
                + 1).Address, "$")(1)                                               '   Convert OutputLastColumnNumberInSheet +1 to OutputEmptyColumnLetter
        .Columns(OutputCheckColumnLetter & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter).Copy      '   Copy 'Check' Column
        .Columns(OutputEmptyColumnLetter & ":" & OutputEmptyColumnLetter).PasteSpecial _
                Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, _
                Transpose:=False                                                    '   Paste to blank helper column
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
                .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Formula = _
                "=TRIM(INT(RC[1] * 100) / 100)"                                     '   Write formulas to 'Check' column (J2 to last row)
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
                .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value = _
                .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value '   Remove formulas from Column J in the new sheet leaving just the values
        .Columns(OutputEmptyColumnLetter & ":" & OutputEmptyColumnLetter).Delete    '   Delete helper column
        .Columns(OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"                  '   Format Columns I & J to commas & 2 decimal places
        With .UsedRange                                                             '   Format all Columns on the new sheet
            .Columns.Font.Name = "Calibri"
            .Columns.Font.Size = 11
            .WrapText = False
        End With
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                               ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
    If Trim(OutputSheet.Range(OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter & OutputSheet.Range("A" & _
            Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)) = Trim(Int(OutputSheet.Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
            OutputSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) * 100) / 100) Then               ' If last used cell in Column I = last used cell in Column J then ...
        MsgBox "Data cleaned & Matched Sccessfully"                                 '   Display Matched message
    Else                                                                            ' Else ...
        MsgBox "Mismatched. Check if any row is missed to enter"                    '   Display Mismatched message
    End If
End Sub
Upvote 0

Excel Facts

Round to nearest half hour?
Use =MROUND(A2,"0:30") to round to nearest half hour. Use =CEILING(A2,"0:30") to round to next half hour.
This version should remedy that:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub Bank_CleanDataV3()
'solved by JohnnyL 24-06-2022
    Dim ArrayRow                            As Long, OutputRow                              As Long
    Dim BlankRows                           As Long, CurrentRow                             As Long
    Dim SheetRow                            As Long, StartRow                               As Long
    Dim OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber    As Long, OutputDateColumnNumber                 As Long
    Dim OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber     As Long, OutputNarrationColumnNumber            As Long
    Dim OutputLineColumnNumber              As Long, OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber          As Long
    Dim OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber       As Long, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber     As Long
    Dim SourceChqRefColumnNumber            As Long, SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber       As Long
    Dim SourceConCatColumnNumber            As Long, SourceDateColumnNumber                 As Long
    Dim SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber     As Long
    Dim SourceNarrationColumnNumber         As Long, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn           As Long
    Dim OutputCheckColumnLetter             As String, OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter     As String
    Dim OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter     As String, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter   As String
    Dim SourceConCatColumnLetter            As String, SourceDateColumnLetter               As String
    Dim OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet       As String
    Dim OutputEmptyColumnLetter             As String
    Dim NewSheetName                        As String
    Dim HeaderArray                         As Variant, SourceArray                         As Variant, OutputArray()   As Variant
    Dim SourceSheet                         As Worksheet, OutputSheet                       As Worksheet
    Set SourceSheet = Worksheets("New Bank")                                        ' <-- Set this to the sheet to use for the input data
     OutputCheckColumnLetter = "J"                                                  ' <--- Set this to OutputCheckColumnLetter
    SourceConCatColumnLetter = "B"                                                  ' <--- Set this to the source column that needs Concat function
      SourceDateColumnLetter = "A"                                                  ' <--- Set this to source column of Dates
                NewSheetName = "Bank"                                               ' <--- Set this to the NewSheetName
                    StartRow = 2                                                    ' <--- Set this to the starting row of data
      OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber = 9                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber
                OutputDateColumnNumber = 2                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputDateColumnNumber
       OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber = 7                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber
                OutputLineColumnNumber = 1                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputLineColumnNumber
           OutputNarrationColumnNumber = 8                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputNarrationColumnNumber
         OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber = 5                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber
         OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber = 3                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber
    OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber = 6                                          ' <--- Set this to the OutputWithdrawalAmountColumn
            SourceChqRefColumnNumber = 3                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceChqRefColumnNumber
    SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber = 7                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber
              SourceDateColumnNumber = 1                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceDateColumnNumber
     SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber = 6                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber
         SourceNarrationColumnNumber = 2                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceNarrationColumnNumber
        SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn = 5                                            ' <--- Set this to the SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn
    HeaderArray = Array("Line", "Date", "Voucher Type", "Voucher No.", _
            "Tally Ledger Name", "Withdrawal Amt.", "Deposit Amt.", _
            "Narration", "Closing Balance", "Check")                                ' <--- Set Array of headers to write to the created sheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                              ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Sheets.Add(After:=SourceSheet).Name = NewSheetName                              ' Add new sheet after the sheet used for the input
    Set OutputSheet = Worksheets(NewSheetName)                                      ' Set OutputSheet to the sheet to use for the output data
    SourceSheet.UsedRange.Copy OutputSheet.Range("A1")                              ' Copy SourceSheet to OutputSheet
    SourceConCatColumnNumber = OutputSheet.Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & 1).Column   ' Convert SourceConCatColumnLetter to SourceConCatColumnNumber
    SourceDateColumnNumber = OutputSheet.Range(SourceDateColumnLetter & 1).Column   ' Convert SourceDateColumnLetter to SourceDateColumnNumber
    OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet = Split(OutputSheet.Cells(1, (OutputSheet.Cells.Find("*", _
            , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)      ' Get last Column Letter used in Output sheet
    BlankRows = 0                                                                   ' Initialize BlankRows
    OutputRow = 0                                                                   ' Initialize OutputRow
    SourceArray = OutputSheet.Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & _
            OutputSheet.Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2  ' Save data from sheet into SourceArray
    ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1), 1 To 1)                          ' Set OutputArray to same # of rows as the SourceArray
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1)                                      ' Loop through the rows of the SourceArray
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDateColumnNumber) <> vbNullString Then       '   If Date is not blank then ...
            OutputRow = OutputRow + 1                                               '       Increment OutputRow
            CurrentRow = OutputRow + BlankRows                                      '       Get total of OutputRow + BlankRows and save to CurrentRow
            OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) = SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceConCatColumnNumber)    '       Save Concat word to OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1)
        Else                                                                        '   Else ...
            BlankRows = BlankRows + 1                                               '       Increment BlankRows
            OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) = OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1) & _
                    " " & SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceConCatColumnNumber)           '       Append a space & next Concat word to OutputArray(CurrentRow, 1)
        End If
    Next                                                                            ' Loop back
    With OutputSheet
        .Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & SourceConCatColumnLetter & _
                .Range(SourceConCatColumnLetter & _
                .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2 = OutputArray                    '   Write Concat column back to new sheet
        On Error Resume Next                                                        '   Ignore error in next line if no blank rows were found to delete
        .Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete                       '   If cell in used range of column A is blank then delete that row
        For SheetRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row To StartRow Step -1   '   Loop backwards through the rows
            If Not IsDate(.Cells(SheetRow, 1)) Then _
                    .Cells(SheetRow, 1).EntireRow.Delete                            '       If cell in used range of Column A is not a date then delete row
        Next                                                                        '   Loop back
    End With
    SourceArray = OutputSheet.Range("A" & StartRow & ":" & OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & _
            OutputSheet.Range(SourceDateColumnLetter & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)   ' Load Data from new sheet into SourceArray
    ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1), 1 To UBound(HeaderArray) + 1)    ' Set # of rows & columns for the OutputArray
    OutputSheet.UsedRange.Clear                                                     ' Erase the OutputSheet
    OutputRow = 0                                                                   ' Reset OutputRow
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(SourceArray, 1)                                      ' Loop through the rows of data in the SourceArray
        OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputLineColumnNumber) = ArrayRow                    '   Save the Line # to Column 1 of OutputArray
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputDateColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDateColumnNumber)                       '   Save Date to Column 2 of OutputArray
' voucher type
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn) <> 0 Then            '   If Withdrawal Amt. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber) = "Payment"        '       Put "Payment" in Column 3 of OutputArray
        ElseIf SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber) <> 0 Then     '   Else if Deposit Amt. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputVoucherTypeColumnNumber) = "Receipt"        '       Put "Receipt" in Column 3 of OutputArray
        End If
'voucher #
' ???
'Tally Ledger Name
' ???
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputTallyLedgerColumnNumber) = "Suspense"           '   Not sure if this is supposed to be hard coded?
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceWithdrawalAmountColumn)                 '   Save Withdrawal Amount to Column 6 of OutputArray
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceDepositAmountColumnNumber)              '   Save Deposit Amount to Column 7 of OutputArray
        If SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceChqRefColumnNumber) <> 0 Then                '   If Chq./Ref.No. <> 0 then ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputNarrationColumnNumber) = SourceArray(ArrayRow, _
                    SourceNarrationColumnNumber) & " Chq./Ref.No. " & _
                    SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceChqRefColumnNumber)                 '       Save Narration & Chq./Ref.No. to Column 8 of OutputArray
        Else                                                                        '   Else ...
            OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputNarrationColumnNumber) = _
                    SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceNarrationColumnNumber)              '       Save Narration to Column 8 of OutputArray
        End If
        OutputArray(ArrayRow, OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber) = _
                SourceArray(ArrayRow, SourceClosingBalanceColumnNumber)             '   Save Closing Balance to Column 9 of OutputArray
    Next                                                                            ' Loop back
    With OutputSheet
        .Range("A1").Resize(, UBound(HeaderArray) + 1) = HeaderArray                '   Write the array of headers to first row of new sheet
        .Range("A2").Resize(UBound(OutputArray, 1), UBound(OutputArray, 2)) = OutputArray   '   Display OutputArray to new sheet starting on row 2
        OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet = Split(.Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", _
            , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)      ' Get last Column Letter used in Output sheet
        .Columns(OutputDateColumnNumber).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"                '   Set Date format of new sheet Column B to "dd-mm-yyyy"
        OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                  '   Convert OutputClosingBalanceColumnNumber to OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter
        OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                   '   Convert OutputDepositAmountColumnNumber to OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter
        OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, _
                OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)                '   Convert OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnNumber to OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter
        With .Columns(OutputWithdrawalAmountColumnLetter & ":" & OutputDepositAmountColumnLetter)
            .NumberFormat = "0.00"                                                  '       Set NumberFormat of Columns F:G on new sheet to 2 decimal places
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        End With
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow).Formula = "=RC[-1]"              '   Set initial value of 'Check' column (J2)
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow + 1 & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter & .Range("A" & _
                .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=R[-1]C+RC[-3]-RC[-4]"       '   Write rest of formulas to 'Check' column (J3 to last row)
        OutputEmptyColumnLetter = Split(.Cells(1, .Range(OutputLastColumnLetterInSheet & 1).Column _
                + 1).Address, "$")(1)                                               '   Convert OutputLastColumnNumberInSheet +1 to OutputEmptyColumnLetter
        .Columns(OutputCheckColumnLetter & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter).Copy      '   Copy 'Check' Column
        .Columns(OutputEmptyColumnLetter & ":" & OutputEmptyColumnLetter).PasteSpecial _
                Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, _
                Transpose:=False                                                    '   Paste to blank helper column
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
                .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Formula = _
                "=TRIM(INT(RC[1] * 100) / 100)"                                     '   Write formulas to 'Check' column (J2 to last row)
        .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
                .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value = _
                .Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & StartRow & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value '   Remove formulas from Column J in the new sheet leaving just the values
        .Columns(OutputEmptyColumnLetter & ":" & OutputEmptyColumnLetter).Delete    '   Delete helper column
        .Columns(OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter & ":" & _
                OutputCheckColumnLetter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"                  '   Format Columns I & J to commas & 2 decimal places
        With .UsedRange                                                             '   Format all Columns on the new sheet
            .Columns.Font.Name = "Calibri"
            .Columns.Font.Size = 11
            .WrapText = False
        End With
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                               ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
    If Trim(OutputSheet.Range(OutputClosingBalanceColumnLetter & OutputSheet.Range("A" & _
            Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)) = Trim(Int(OutputSheet.Range(OutputCheckColumnLetter & _
            OutputSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) * 100) / 100) Then               ' If last used cell in Column I = last used cell in Column J then ...
        MsgBox "Data cleaned & Matched Sccessfully"                                 '   Display Matched message
    Else                                                                            ' Else ...
        MsgBox "Mismatched. Check if any row is missed to enter"                    '   Display Mismatched message
    End If
End Sub
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