Combining IF and VLOOKUP


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
16. 16/05/2009. H09/5941. A1 HE. 1

Hi, I've got a row in my table as shown above(full stop indicates a new column).

I am trying to combine IF and VLOOKUP to find this row and search the 4th column (A1 HE in this case). I then want the formula to return a "YES" if the cell contains A1 HE and a "NO" if it doesn't.

My forumla below is showing #NAME!

=IF(VLOOKUP(16,'[LAMIOS-18..8.09.xls]Sheet1'!$A$5:$E$31,4,FALSE) =A1 HE,"YES","NO")

The "A1" part of A1 HE is highlighting cell A1, however I don't believe this is the only problem. Would somebody be able to help. Many thanks.

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=IF(VLOOKUP(A1,'[LAMIOS-18..8.09.xls]Sheet1'!$A$5:$E$31,4,FALSE) ="A1 HE","YES","NO")

Changes are bold and underlined - Change A1 to whatever cell the value is in.
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Thank you very much. The quotations around A1 HE worked. I didn't have to change the 16 to a cell.

I'm trying to teach myself VLOOKUPS and SUMIFS for an interview tomorrow, although they haven't told me how advanced the forumlas will be. Are there any websites that have questions so that I can practice these techniques? I'm on a mac so I can't download Ribbon Hero, which I have heard is useful.
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