Conditional Formatting for Comparing Data Across Multiple Tabs


New Member
Jun 6, 2012

I am looking to use conditional formatting (in the form of up/down/right arrow icon sets) to determine if the current month's performance (Tab: April) is better, worse, or the same as the previous month's performance (Tab: March).

For example, I have multiple metrics for each of my sales people. The data that appears in the April tab is listed in the same order on the March tab.

I have been able to identify the current month's performance relative to the prior month using this formula in an adjacent cell:

Also, I am using this for my icon set conditional formatting in that same adjacent cell:
Up arrow is 'when value is >= 0.0001 (Number)
Right arrow is 'when < 0.0001 (Number)
Down arrow is "when < 0

What I am looking to do is have the same formatting appear in the SAME cell as the current month's data, rather than in the cell adjacent to it.

I am unsure if this is possible, and appreciate any guidance anyone is able to provide.

Thank you in advance!

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Show numbers in thousands?
Use a custom number format of #,##0,K. Each comma after the final 0 will divide the displayed number by another thousand
Thanks Mathchick, I should have mentioned that I did try that - it didn't work. Most items were returned as no change from the prior month, when I can see that there should only be a few.

Also, I am using Excel 2007.
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So I re-read your original post, and you can put an icon set conditional formatting in the cells with the value and just select "show icon only" so the values don't show, or did I misunderstand your desired results?
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I want the icon set in the cell with the current month's data. I want the icon linked to current month vs. previous month performance (up/down/same).

I have the icons set up currently in a cell adjacent to the current month's data. My desired result is to have the icons in the same cell as the current month's data (still being tied to performance over previous month).

I hope that clarifies a little better! :)
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