conditional formatting not working properly


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
I have used conditional formatting on an entire column to check a formula. The formula used is "if format is=W9=(P9-E9-Q9)" then format font red. It works for some cells but not others. When I check the same result using =if(W9=(P9-E9-Q9),"OK","Error". It does the same thing. I shows OK for some and notfor others. If I then check the results manually I get the right results for the entire column and it all checks out. With the first option I highlighted all the cells but removed absolute references and for the second method I copied and pasted.

Excel Facts

Test for Multiple Conditions in IF?
Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF.
Hi there, thanks for the quick reply. I have just dowloaded html thingy to try and post samples but somehow I cant get it to work. I did not use rounding formulas and when I increased decimals on both results they were the same. what is the easiest way to post the data which also shows formulas?
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Question regarding HTML Maker:
Can you let us know how did you try the HTML Maker in order to post the data sample screenshot on the board ? Does it give any error messages ? If yes, would you let us know the exact error message ? Also, which version of Excel do you use on your computer ?
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object variable or with block variable not set is the error message i get when trying to open html maker.
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Question regarding HTML Maker:
Can you let us know how did you try the HTML Maker in order to post the data sample screenshot on the board ? Does it give any error messages ? If yes, would you let us know the exact error message ? Also, which version of Excel do you use on your computer ?

I use excel 2003
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Hi there. what is the easiest not coolest way to post the data on to this forum. I am stuck for time and noticed that the html maker requires some setting up
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Check the formatting of your data. Temporarily give W9 P9 E9 and Q9 about 6 decimal places and see if the formula really is true.
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Hi there. what is the easiest not coolest way to post the data on to this forum. I am stuck for time and noticed that the html maker requires some setting up

No, HTML Maker does not require anything to setup. It is an Add-In for Excel and you do not need to setup anything.

Besides, you can download Excel Jeanie for which SBeatton has posted the link in one of his posts above.

About HTML Maker: Since you are using Excel 2003, I guess you should not have any problems using the HTML Maker for posting screenshots on the board ! Once you download the HTML Maker you just need to install the add-in by double clicking the downloaded file. It will install itself in Excel and you would see an additional option "HTML" on the Excel Menubar. You need to use that menu option to convert your data table on your spreadsheet to an HTML Page. It is very simple once you figure out the HTML option in the Excel Menubar. Once done you will have the HTML code and you can paste that code in the message box of the Board - I hope this helps.
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