I have created a Userform, where you can enter a Operand (into a text box) and direction (Vertical or Horizontal) option buttons. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
When activating the macro (Command button) the user is prompted to select a range (only within one row or one column) from an open workbook (Inputbox type:=8), which is the source and then the user is prompted to select (Inputbox type:=8) the start cell for paste (target).<o></o>
If Operand is 2, the cells, within the source is pasted, starting with the target cell, skipping every second column or row depending if vertical or horizontal was selected.<o></o>
This works PERFECTLY as long as I am working within the same workbook. However, if my source is from another workbook I am NOT able to identify the workbook name from where I copied the source.<o></o>
In this code I have hardcoded the workbook names but I need a solution to capture the name, when the range and target is selected.<o></o>
This is NOT the entire code but just the part to show where the "challenge" is.<o></o>
Dim UserRange As Range
Dim UserStart As Range<o></o>
Set UserRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
"Please Select a Range", _
Title:="InputBox Method", Type:=8) ' & ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Set UserStart = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
"Please Select a start cell for paste", _
Title:="InputBox Method", Type:=8)<o></o>
Select Case True
Case obVertical
For Each r In WorkRange ' to find the first cell in selection and activate so paste start in this cell
Windows("Workbook name source").Activate ' activate the workbook from where you copy
FirstValue = r.Address
Range("workbook name target").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=OffsetValueV, columnOffset:=0).Activate 'enter offset from start point to paste into second row
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
OffsetValueV = OffsetValueV + tbOperand
So the problem is how to capture the workbook name since RefEdit cannot be used and the range object returned by using Inputbox do not include the workbook name ?<o></o>
Windows("Workbook name source").Activate <o></o>
and <o></o>
Windows("Workbook name target").Activate <o></o>
I appreciate any support possible.<o></o>
Enrix, big Mr Excel fan<o></o>
When activating the macro (Command button) the user is prompted to select a range (only within one row or one column) from an open workbook (Inputbox type:=8), which is the source and then the user is prompted to select (Inputbox type:=8) the start cell for paste (target).<o></o>
If Operand is 2, the cells, within the source is pasted, starting with the target cell, skipping every second column or row depending if vertical or horizontal was selected.<o></o>
This works PERFECTLY as long as I am working within the same workbook. However, if my source is from another workbook I am NOT able to identify the workbook name from where I copied the source.<o></o>
In this code I have hardcoded the workbook names but I need a solution to capture the name, when the range and target is selected.<o></o>
This is NOT the entire code but just the part to show where the "challenge" is.<o></o>
Dim UserRange As Range
Dim UserStart As Range<o></o>
Set UserRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
"Please Select a Range", _
Title:="InputBox Method", Type:=8) ' & ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Set UserStart = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
"Please Select a start cell for paste", _
Title:="InputBox Method", Type:=8)<o></o>
Select Case True
Case obVertical
For Each r In WorkRange ' to find the first cell in selection and activate so paste start in this cell
Windows("Workbook name source").Activate ' activate the workbook from where you copy
FirstValue = r.Address
Range("workbook name target").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=OffsetValueV, columnOffset:=0).Activate 'enter offset from start point to paste into second row
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
OffsetValueV = OffsetValueV + tbOperand
So the problem is how to capture the workbook name since RefEdit cannot be used and the range object returned by using Inputbox do not include the workbook name ?<o></o>
Windows("Workbook name source").Activate <o></o>
and <o></o>
Windows("Workbook name target").Activate <o></o>
I appreciate any support possible.<o></o>
Enrix, big Mr Excel fan<o></o>