I'm beginning to lose my mind on this problem.
I made a reasonably complex form, where user (me) must insert a lot of data in (mainly) TextBoxes and ComboBoxes:
I wont' bother with translation, but some of you will maybe recognize that I'm trying to calculate heat loses of a room.
Anyways - most of the data is inserted in TextBoxes as a normal number - for example: 0,756 [W/m^2K] (we use comma for decimal delimiter).
All the data is then saved in a worksheet with press on a button. Code behind it is as seen bellow (just an example):
BUT(!) after I check the worksheet "Saved_data", I can see an error in all cells that was taken from TextBoxes. Excel wrote all this data as text and if I place mouse cursor over small sign with exclamation mark I can see error message: "The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe."
Of course I can use an option "Convert to number", but there can be a lot of cells with this error and they are placed all over the "Saved_data" worksheet. It is not only time consuming, but it also prevents to do some additional operations I intend to do on "Saved_data" worksheet.
... but NOTHING worked! Can anyone help me with this?
I'm beginning to lose my mind on this problem.
I made a reasonably complex form, where user (me) must insert a lot of data in (mainly) TextBoxes and ComboBoxes:
I wont' bother with translation, but some of you will maybe recognize that I'm trying to calculate heat loses of a room.
Anyways - most of the data is inserted in TextBoxes as a normal number - for example: 0,756 [W/m^2K] (we use comma for decimal delimiter).
All the data is then saved in a worksheet with press on a button. Code behind it is as seen bellow (just an example):
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 5).Value = Upper_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 6).Value = Right_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 7).Value = Bottom_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 8).Value = Left_wall_thickness
Of course I can use an option "Convert to number", but there can be a lot of cells with this error and they are placed all over the "Saved_data" worksheet. It is not only time consuming, but it also prevents to do some additional operations I intend to do on "Saved_data" worksheet.
- I placed various format rows prior (and after) to each code row shown above (for example):
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 5).NumberFormat = "#,##0,00"
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 5).Value = Upper_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 6).NumberFormat = "#,##0,00"
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 6).Value = Right_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 7).NumberFormat = "#,##0,00"
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 7).Value = Bottom_wall_thickness
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 8).NumberFormat = "#,##0,00"
Worksheets("Saved_data").Cells(row_index, 8).Value = Left_wall_thickness
- I declared each variable a double:
Dim Upper_wall_thickness As Double
Dim Right_wall_thickness As Double
Dim Bottom_wall_thickness As Double
Dim Left_wall_thickness As Double
- I used some VBA code I found on Internet to solve this problems:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For Each xCell In Selection
xCell.Value = CDec(xCell.Value)
Next xCell
End Sub
- etc.
... but NOTHING worked! Can anyone help me with this?