edit cell comments


Board Regular
Mar 10, 2009
Hi, I have this code, that is working fine, but I have a couple of improvements in mind. What I want to do is have the ability in this code to not only insert a cell comment but to edit the cell comment once it is inserted. Also, I have tested this on a mac and it works fine, but on a pc the comment frame does not autosize. Any ideas why?

Sub AddNewCom()
    Dim strCommentName As String
    Dim cmnt As String
    Dim Today
    Today = Now
    cmnt = InputBox("Please enter a comment")
    strCommentName = "Greer:    " & cmnt & "  :  " & Now
    On Error GoTo 0

    If Not activeCell.Comment Is Nothing Then GoTo 0
    With activeCell.AddComment(strCommentName)
        .Visible = False
        .Shape.AutoShapeType = msoShapeRoundedRectangle
        With .Shape.TextFrame
            With .Characters(0, Len("Greer:")).Font
                .Bold = True
                .Italic = True
                .ColorIndex = 3
            End With
        End With
    End With
    With activeCell
        .Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
        .Comment.Visible = False
    End With
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

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this has nothing to do with anything, but doesn't the statement GoTo 0 go to line 0 of the procedure?
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I guess so, this is a mix of code I have found that almost did what I wanted and bits I have added. The GoTo bit was there and since it works I have left it.

Any ideas on how to edit the cell comment once it is inserted?
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I've sorted the autosize issue. But still need to know how to appendmore text to an existing cell comment that my macro has created. Anyone put there know how to do it. Alternatively, is there a macro that opens cellcomments for editing I can run alongside this one?
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