Formula or UDF to calculate Semi Variance


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Is anyone aware of a fomula or know how to create a UDF to calculate semi-variance for a range of data? I would like to be able to calculate semi-variance using 2 different downside hurdles: (1) the data's mean, and (2) a fixed number such as zero.

Any help or ideas? Thanks!

Excel Facts

What do {} around a formula in the formula bar mean?
{Formula} means the formula was entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter signifying an old-style array formula.

The following UDFs will give you a sizable number of options to calculate the semi-variance. Take the square root to get the semi-standard deviation.

Lots of options available, so please post back with questions. Also, watch the line wrap.

You want the SemiVariance_Absolute() function. The other is provided should you need that as well.

Option Explicit

'   Optional function argument definitions
'   CalcType (Byte)
'       0   arithmetic
'       1   geometric
'   Per_Yr (Double)
'       0   cumulative
'       #   annualized at # of periods per year (e.g. 12 = monthly)
'   InputType (Byte) and ReturnType (Byte)
'       0   values are in basis point format (e.g 7.5 = 7.5%)
'       1   values are in mathematical percentage format (e.g. .075 = 7.5%)
'   Pop_or_Sample (Byte)
'       0   population
'       1   sample
'   UpDown (Byte)
'       0   positive
'       1   negative

Function _
SemiVariance_Relative _
    ( _
        Returns, _
        BenchmarkReturns, _
        Optional CalcType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional Per_Yr As Double = 0, _
        Optional InputType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional ReturnType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional Pop_or_Sample As Byte = 0, _
        Optional UpDown As Byte = 0 _
    ) As Double
    Dim arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, dblResult As Double
    arrReturns = DataToArray_WealthRatio(Returns, InputType, False)
    arrBmarkReturns = DataToArray_WealthRatio(BenchmarkReturns, InputType, False)
    Per_Yr = Abs(Per_Yr)
    If Per_Yr = 0 Then  ''' cumulative
        If CalcType = 0 Then  ''' arithmetic
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                End If
            Else  ''' sample
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                End If
            End If
        Else   ''' geometric
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                End If
            Else  ''' sample
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Else  ''' annualized
        If CalcType = 0 Then  ''' arithmetic
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                End If
            Else  ''' sample
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                End If
            End If
        Else   ''' geometric
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                End If
            Else  ''' sample
                If UpDown = 0 Then  ''' positive
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Up(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                Else  ''' negative
                    dblResult = SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Down(arrReturns, arrBmarkReturns, Abs(Per_Yr))
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    SemiVariance_Relative = dblResult * IIf(ReturnType, 1, 100)
    Erase arrReturns
    Erase arrBmarkReturns
    End Function
Function _
SemiVariance_Absolute _
    ( _
        Returns, _
        ThresholdReturn As Double, _
        Optional CalcType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional Per_Yr As Double = 0, _
        Optional InputType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional ReturnType As Byte = 0, _
        Optional Pop_or_Sample As Byte = 0, _
        Optional UpDown As Byte = 0 _
    ) As Double
    '   Use the mean of the data as the target threshold
    '   argument to find upside/downside deviations
    '   from the actual data (i.e. the "target" is
    '   the average of the historical data
    '   Use AVERAGE() for arithmentic mean, GEOMEAN() for geometric
    Dim arrReturns, TargetVal As Double, dblResult As Double
    arrReturns = DataToArray(Returns, InputType, False)
    TargetVal = ThresholdReturn / IIf(InputType, 1, 100)
    Per_Yr = Abs(Per_Yr)
    If Per_Yr = 0 Then  ''' cumulative
        If CalcType = 0 Then  ''' arithmetic
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsolutePopulation(DiffArr_ArithAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown))
            Else  ''' sample
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsoluteSample(DiffArr_ArithAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown))
            End If
        Else   ''' geometric
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsolutePopulation(DiffArr_GeomAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown))
            Else  ''' sample
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsoluteSample(DiffArr_GeomAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown))
            End If
        End If
    Else  ''' annualized
        If CalcType = 0 Then  ''' arithmetic
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsolutePopulationAnnual(DiffArr_ArithAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown), Per_Yr)
            Else  ''' sample
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsoluteSampleAnnual(DiffArr_ArithAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown), Per_Yr)
            End If
        Else   ''' geometric
            If Pop_or_Sample = 0 Then ''' population
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsolutePopulationAnnual(DiffArr_GeomAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown), Per_Yr)
            Else  ''' sample
                dblResult = SemiVar_AbsoluteSampleAnnual(DiffArr_GeomAbsolute(arrReturns, TargetVal, UpDown), Per_Yr)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    SemiVariance_Absolute = dblResult * IIf(ReturnType, 1, 100)
    Erase arrReturns
    End Function

Private Function StdDev_Annual_Population(ByVal arr1, ByVal PerYr As Double) As Double
    StdDev_Annual_Population = StdDev_Population(arr1) * Sqr(IIf(PerYr, Abs(PerYr), 1))
    End Function
Private Function StdDev_Annual_Sample(ByVal arr1, ByVal PerYr As Double) As Double
    StdDev_Annual_Sample = StdDev_Sample(arr1) * Sqr(IIf(PerYr, Abs(PerYr), 1))
    End Function
Private Function StdDev_Population(ByVal arr1) As Double
    StdDev_Population = Sqr(Excel.Application.DevSq(arr1) / (UBound(arr1) - LBound(arr1) + 1))
    End Function
Private Function StdDev_Sample(ByVal arr1) As Double
    StdDev_Sample = Sqr(Excel.Application.DevSq(arr1) / (UBound(arr1) - LBound(arr1)))
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_Arith(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = arr1(i) - arr2(i) + 1
        Next i
    DiffArr_Arith = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_Geom(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = arr1(i) / arr2(i)
        Next i
    DiffArr_Geom = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_ArithPositive(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Max(0, arr1(i) - arr2(i))
        Next i
    DiffArr_ArithPositive = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_ArithNegative(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Min(0, arr1(i) - arr2(i))
        Next i
    DiffArr_ArithNegative = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_GeomPositive(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Max(1, arr1(i) / arr2(i))
        Next i
    DiffArr_GeomPositive = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_GeomNegative(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Min(1, arr1(i) / arr2(i))
        Next i
    DiffArr_GeomNegative = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_ArithmeticAbsolute(ByVal arr1, ByVal TargetValue)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = 1 + arr1(i) - TargetValue
        Next i
    DiffArr_ArithmeticAbsolute = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_GeometricAbsolute(ByVal arr1, ByVal TargetValue)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            arrDiff(i) = (1 + arr1(i)) / (1 + TargetValue)
        Next i
    DiffArr_GeometricAbsolute = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_ArithAbsolute(ByVal arr1, ByVal TargetValue, ByVal UpDownIndicator)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            If UpDownIndicator = 0 Then ''' positive
                arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Max(0, arr1(i) - TargetValue) + 1
            Else  ''' negative
                arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Min(0, arr1(i) - TargetValue) + 1
            End If
        Next i
    DiffArr_ArithAbsolute = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function DiffArr_GeomAbsolute(ByVal arr1, ByVal TargetValue, ByVal UpDownIndicator)
    Dim i As Long, arrDiff
    ReDim arrDiff(LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)) As Double
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            If UpDownIndicator = 0 Then ''' positive
                arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Max(1, (1 + arr1(i)) / (1 + TargetValue))
            Else  ''' negative
                arrDiff(i) = Excel.Application.Min(1, (1 + arr1(i)) / (1 + TargetValue))
            End If
        Next i
    DiffArr_GeomAbsolute = arrDiff
    Erase arrDiff
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Up = (StdDev_Population(DiffArr_ArithPositive(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Up = (StdDev_Sample(DiffArr_ArithPositive(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Up = (StdDev_Population(DiffArr_GeomPositive(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Up = (StdDev_Sample(DiffArr_GeomPositive(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Down = (StdDev_Population(DiffArr_ArithNegative(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Down = (StdDev_Sample(DiffArr_ArithNegative(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Down = (StdDev_Population(DiffArr_GeomNegative(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Down = (StdDev_Sample(DiffArr_GeomNegative(arr1, arr2))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Up = (StdDev_Annual_Population(DiffArr_ArithPositive(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Up = (StdDev_Annual_Sample(DiffArr_ArithPositive(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Up = (StdDev_Annual_Population(DiffArr_GeomPositive(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Up(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Up = (StdDev_Annual_Sample(DiffArr_GeomPositive(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithPopulation_Annual_Down = (StdDev_Annual_Population(DiffArr_ArithNegative(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeArithSample_Annual_Down = (StdDev_Annual_Sample(DiffArr_ArithNegative(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomPopulation_Annual_Down = (StdDev_Annual_Population(DiffArr_GeomNegative(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Down(ByVal arr1, ByVal arr2, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_RelativeGeomSample_Annual_Down = (StdDev_Annual_Sample(DiffArr_GeomNegative(arr1, arr2), Abs(Per_Yr))) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_AbsolutePopulation(ByVal arr1)
    SemiVar_AbsolutePopulation = StdDev_Population(arr1) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_AbsoluteSample(ByVal arr1)
    SemiVar_AbsoluteSample = StdDev_Sample(arr1) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_AbsolutePopulationAnnual(ByVal arr1, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_AbsolutePopulationAnnual = StdDev_Annual_Population(arr1, Abs(Per_Yr)) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function SemiVar_AbsoluteSampleAnnual(ByVal arr1, ByVal Per_Yr)
    SemiVar_AbsoluteSampleAnnual = StdDev_Annual_Sample(arr1, ByVal Per_Yr) ^ 2
    End Function
Private Function _
DataToArray_WealthRatio _
    ( _
        ByVal ReturnsIn, _
        ByVal InputType As Byte, _
        ByVal MissingDataEqualsZero As Boolean _
    Dim RngCell As Range, _
        arrResults, _
        arrTemp, _
        InputFactor, _
        Counter As Long, _
        i As Long
        InputFactor = IIf(InputType = 0, 100, 1)
        If TypeOf ReturnsIn Is Range Then
            arrResults = Range_to_Array(ReturnsIn)
            If MissingDataEqualsZero Then
                For i = LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults)
                    If IsNumeric(arrResults(i)) Then
                        arrResults(i) = 1 + CDbl(arrResults(i)) / InputFactor
                        arrResults(i) = 1
                    End If
                Next i
                ReDim arrTemp(LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults))
                For i = LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults)
                    If IsEmpty(arrResults(i)) Then
                        ''' do nothing
                    ElseIf Excel.Application.IsText(arrResults(i)) Then
                        ''' do nothing
                        Counter = Counter + 1
                        arrTemp(Counter) = 1 + CDbl(arrResults(i)) / InputFactor
                    End If
                Next i
                If Counter Then
                    ReDim Preserve arrTemp(1 To Counter)
                    arrResults = arrTemp
                End If
            End If
            If TypeName(ReturnsIn) = "Double" Then
                ReDim arrResults(1 To 1) As Double
                Counter = Counter + 1
                arrResults(Counter) = 1 + ReturnsIn / InputFactor
                If ArrayDimensions(ReturnsIn) > 1 Then
                    ReturnsIn = Excel.Application.Transpose(ReturnsIn)
                    Counter = UBound(ReturnsIn) - LBound(ReturnsIn) + 1
                End If
                ReDim ReturnsArray(1 To UBound(ReturnsIn) - LBound(ReturnsIn) + 1)
                For i = LBound(ReturnsIn) To UBound(ReturnsIn)
                    If IsNumeric(ReturnsIn(i)) Then
                        Counter = Counter + 1
                        ReturnsArray(Counter) = 1 + ReturnsIn(i) / InputFactor
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
        End If
    If Counter Then ReDim Preserve arrResults(1 To Counter)
    DataToArray_WealthRatio = arrResults
    Erase arrResults
    End Function
Private Function _
DataToArray _
    ( _
        ByVal ReturnsIn, _
        ByVal InputType As Byte, _
        ByVal MissingDataEqualsZero As Boolean _
    Dim RngCell As Range, _
        arrResults, _
        arrTemp, _
        InputFactor, _
        Counter As Long, _
        i As Long
        InputFactor = IIf(InputType = 0, 100, 1)
        If TypeOf ReturnsIn Is Range Then
            arrResults = Range_to_Array(ReturnsIn)
            If MissingDataEqualsZero Then
                For i = LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults)
                    If IsNumeric(arrResults(i)) Then
                        arrResults(i) = CDbl(arrResults(i)) / InputFactor
                        arrResults(i) = 0
                    End If
                Next i
                ReDim arrTemp(LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults))
                For i = LBound(arrResults) To UBound(arrResults)
                    If IsEmpty(arrResults(i)) Then
                        ''' do nothing
                    ElseIf Excel.Application.IsText(arrResults(i)) Then
                        ''' do nothing
                        Counter = Counter + 1
                        arrTemp(Counter) = CDbl(arrResults(i)) / InputFactor
                    End If
                Next i
                If Counter Then
                    ReDim Preserve arrTemp(1 To Counter)
                    arrResults = arrTemp
                End If
            End If
            If TypeName(ReturnsIn) = "Double" Then
                ReDim arrResults(1 To 1) As Double
                Counter = Counter + 1
                arrResults(Counter) = ReturnsIn / InputFactor
                If ArrayDimensions(ReturnsIn) > 1 Then
                    ReturnsIn = Excel.Application.Transpose(ReturnsIn)
                    Counter = UBound(ReturnsIn) - LBound(ReturnsIn) + 1
                End If
                ReDim ReturnsArray(1 To UBound(ReturnsIn) - LBound(ReturnsIn) + 1)
                For i = LBound(ReturnsIn) To UBound(ReturnsIn)
                    If IsNumeric(ReturnsIn(i)) Then
                        Counter = Counter + 1
                        ReturnsArray(Counter) = ReturnsIn(i) / InputFactor
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
        End If
    If Counter Then ReDim Preserve arrResults(1 To Counter)
    DataToArray = arrResults
    Erase arrResults
    End Function
Private Function _
Range_to_Array _
    ( _
        ByVal Rng As Range _

    Dim ReturnArray, _
        arrTemp, _
        i As Long, _
        j As Long, _
        k As Long
    If Rng.Cells.Count = 1 Then
        ReDim ReturnArray(1 To 1)
        ReturnArray(1) = Rng
        If Rng.Columns.Count > 1 And Rng.Rows.Count > 1 Then
            arrTemp = Rng.Value
            ReDim ReturnArray(1 To UBound(arrTemp, 1) * UBound(arrTemp, 2))
            k = 0
            For i = 1 To UBound(arrTemp, 1)
                For j = 1 To UBound(arrTemp, 2)
                    k = k + 1
                    ReturnArray(k) = arrTemp(i, j)
                Next j
            Next i
            Erase arrTemp
            With Excel.Application
                ReturnArray = .Transpose(Rng)
                If Rng.Rows.Count = 1 Then ReturnArray = .Transpose(ReturnArray)
            End With
        End If
    End If
    Range_to_Array = ReturnArray
    Erase ReturnArray
    End Function

Function _
ArrayDimensions _
    ( _
        InputArray As Variant _
    ) As Long
    Dim n As Long

    If Not IsArray(InputArray) Or IsObject(InputArray) Then
        n = 0
        Exit Function
        n = 1
    End If

    On Error Resume Next

        n = n + 1
    Loop While (LBound(InputArray, n) <= UBound(InputArray, n))

    ArrayDimensions = n - 1
End Function
Upvote 0
From a search of Google for the definition of semi-variance...

if your data are in A1:A25 and your threshold is in C1, use the array formula

To complete an array formula, do *not* use the ENTER key. Instead use the CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER combination.

For the threshold, you can either enter a number such as zero in C1, or enter a formula such as =AVERAGE(A1:A25)

I imagine you would get the same result from an appropriate use of Bill's solution but I won't be taking the time to figure out which one. {grin}
Upvote 0
That is certainly a much, much easier way to do it, as opposed to the Rube Goldberg VBA creation. :LOL:

The VAR[P] solution is fine for cumulative, unannualized returns. My idea was to allow for easier switching between cumulative and annualized variablility, plus allow for the ease of changing between population and sample and the compounding periods per year. For the relative semi-variance, the geometric vs. arithmetic difference can be important, too.

The VBA was originally a way to make it simple. Over time, I decided to incorporate every possible option in one UDF. Clearly, there is just a little bloat in there. :LOL: You should see the options I have for the Information Ratio!
Upvote 0
Just an FYI, the Semi-Variance UDF produces the semi-variance of the excess returns, rather than the semi-variance of the actual returns.

Tushar's result (using population rather than sample):

The UDF result in its Excel equivalent

Actually, I think I am off by a factor of 100 in some of the options.
Upvote 0
Guys, thanks for your help. I'm going to study the differences between the 2 approaches and make sure I understand them. I'll keep you posted if I have any questions. Thanks again!
Upvote 0
Here is the primary difference....

Suppose you have hurdle rate of 5% and a return of -3%. With Tushar's answer, the data point included is -3%. With the UDF, the data point included is 8% (+5% - (-3%)). The sign does not matter since we are squaring the values.

Tushar's result is the downside variance, whereas mine is the excess downside variance.
Upvote 0

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