How do I ensure the cell value of downloaded item that occasionally is formatted as Custom date (1 cell), is formatted as General


Board Regular
Jul 12, 2010
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Good Day all,
I download into excel the value of a cell from the web. Normally the cell data is formatted as General. However, occasionally the originators of this data format this cell as Custom - as a date).
This is very frustrating, as I want the imported data to be formatted as General. I have tried to re-format the cell however it doesn't respond to the new formatted request.
The cell value before I download it is: 3: 0-1-2 ( I have the destination cell formatted as General).
What I get is 1/02/2022 3:00 (it is formatted as Custom: d/mm/yyyy h:mm)
When I attempt to re-format this cell to General, it get: 44593.125

I was thinking of using IFERROR to try and fix this problem. However, not sure if this will work, as it isn't actually an error, just the wrong format.
I was also thinking of setting a default value into my spreadsheet when this problem arises (would like it to default to: 0: 0-0-0).

Can anyone assist me with this problem as it is very's doing my head in!!

Kind Regards.

Excel Facts

Format cells as currency
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+4 to format cells as currency. (Shift 4 is the $ sign).
The only reliable way for importing info from the web is considering them as "text"
Thus when you set the information in the cell, add the text marker; I use this format:
Instead of (for example) Range("A2").Value = myItem.innerText
VBA Code:
Range("A2").Value = chr(39) & myItem.innerText
Of course you can perform other actions, if you know the type of information you are dealing with; for example, if it is a stock price then you will convert the info into a number
VBA Code:
Range("A2").Value = CSng(myItem.innerText)

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