To begin with a brief overview: We have created a program to conduct financial assessments, and sell it in Russia. Now go out into the world market. However, despite the translation done and checking functions Excel, we do not understand how this product work on the computers of the foreign users (primarily English users). We would be very grateful if you would have paid 5 min. of your time and check out our product on the functioning of the foreign media (not Virus and Spyware). Answers, please post in this forum.
Computer Requirements: Ms Windows XP or higher, Ms Excel 2003 or higher.
What to do (in brackets the question on which I would like to receive an answer to each of the steps):
1. Login to the site and download the following program: http://www.simplecs.ru/eng/files/setupEFM.exe
2. Install the program (whether to install the program - if there was any errors during installation?)
3. On the desktop shortcut «Enterprise Financial Model 4.3». Click on the shortcut and run it - macros must be enabled! (Run a program? Have errors in the startup process)
4. Change sheets program - the tabs at the bottom (were there any mistakes in the process of switching?)
5. The panel software: Excel 2003 - the panel on the left, in 2007 and higher menu "Additional" - the last in the list of menu items menu, click on the button "cogs" - the seventh button. Bets again on the positions of the window that appears (if there were errors in the process of switching)?
6. In the menu (the previous step), click on the printer button (fourth from the bottom). The first question to answer "Yes", and the second «No». In the window that appears, click on «Create Report» and then placing a checkmark in all the tables, click again «Create Report» Wait for the completion of a report (if there were errors in the process of creating a report?)
In principle, all!
You can arrange temporary or even perpetual license for more detailed testing.
Thanks in advance!
On all questions write litvinj@simplecs.ru
Sorry for my English - google translation
To begin with a brief overview: We have created a program to conduct financial assessments, and sell it in Russia. Now go out into the world market. However, despite the translation done and checking functions Excel, we do not understand how this product work on the computers of the foreign users (primarily English users). We would be very grateful if you would have paid 5 min. of your time and check out our product on the functioning of the foreign media (not Virus and Spyware). Answers, please post in this forum.
Computer Requirements: Ms Windows XP or higher, Ms Excel 2003 or higher.
What to do (in brackets the question on which I would like to receive an answer to each of the steps):
1. Login to the site and download the following program: http://www.simplecs.ru/eng/files/setupEFM.exe
2. Install the program (whether to install the program - if there was any errors during installation?)
3. On the desktop shortcut «Enterprise Financial Model 4.3». Click on the shortcut and run it - macros must be enabled! (Run a program? Have errors in the startup process)
4. Change sheets program - the tabs at the bottom (were there any mistakes in the process of switching?)
5. The panel software: Excel 2003 - the panel on the left, in 2007 and higher menu "Additional" - the last in the list of menu items menu, click on the button "cogs" - the seventh button. Bets again on the positions of the window that appears (if there were errors in the process of switching)?
6. In the menu (the previous step), click on the printer button (fourth from the bottom). The first question to answer "Yes", and the second «No». In the window that appears, click on «Create Report» and then placing a checkmark in all the tables, click again «Create Report» Wait for the completion of a report (if there were errors in the process of creating a report?)
In principle, all!
You can arrange temporary or even perpetual license for more detailed testing.
Thanks in advance!
On all questions write litvinj@simplecs.ru
Sorry for my English - google translation