Hi everyone!
First time to post here, but I have enjoyed watching Mr. Excel with Leo Laporte during the old "Call for Help" and "Lab with Leo" television shows...which is why I'm here today in need of this forum's assistance.
I wish to thank EVERYONE in advance for your insight and assistance with my question. I have run into a "road block" and need to have someone with more Excel knowledge assist me with a solution or point me in a different direction.
I'm using Excel 2007 (SP2) on a Windows PC. I've uploaded a copy of my spreadsheet to Google Docs...so you can see what I've done (and hopefully the solution).
I've been given the task to create a Production Report for each employee in our office. The first tab (Data Entry) is where our office administrator would type in the daily results for each employee. This page is pure data entry, although I've placed the monthly summary at the bottom of each month for the admin's convenience (this is not the problem).
I've typed values into the first tab (Data Entry) so that some output values (Reports tab) can run through the formulas. That said, I'm only focusing this question toward the January values on the Reports tab.
The 2nd tab (Reports) is where I'm running into a problem. Specifically with the 2011 Ratios section. There are several cells that have the same problem. Its a simple math issue...."any number divided by zero"....but Excel outputs the code #DIV/0....however I need a value there which I can turn into a ratio (ie, 1:0).
I'll use cell B17 as an example. It references cell B8 (value = 6) divided by cell B9 (value = 0). In our industry, it it necessary to show a value of zero if no placements have been made. So the correct answer for cell B17 should be 6:0.
I realize that Google Docs doesn't give the option to format the cell into a ratio style...so the focus is on the formula to give the correct value in Excel 2007.
This is certainly not the only problem with this spreadsheet, but I think that the solution to this formula (with your kind assistance) should get me past this "road block" and back on course toward completion.
Thanks to all!
First time to post here, but I have enjoyed watching Mr. Excel with Leo Laporte during the old "Call for Help" and "Lab with Leo" television shows...which is why I'm here today in need of this forum's assistance.
I wish to thank EVERYONE in advance for your insight and assistance with my question. I have run into a "road block" and need to have someone with more Excel knowledge assist me with a solution or point me in a different direction.
I'm using Excel 2007 (SP2) on a Windows PC. I've uploaded a copy of my spreadsheet to Google Docs...so you can see what I've done (and hopefully the solution).
I've been given the task to create a Production Report for each employee in our office. The first tab (Data Entry) is where our office administrator would type in the daily results for each employee. This page is pure data entry, although I've placed the monthly summary at the bottom of each month for the admin's convenience (this is not the problem).
I've typed values into the first tab (Data Entry) so that some output values (Reports tab) can run through the formulas. That said, I'm only focusing this question toward the January values on the Reports tab.
The 2nd tab (Reports) is where I'm running into a problem. Specifically with the 2011 Ratios section. There are several cells that have the same problem. Its a simple math issue...."any number divided by zero"....but Excel outputs the code #DIV/0....however I need a value there which I can turn into a ratio (ie, 1:0).
I'll use cell B17 as an example. It references cell B8 (value = 6) divided by cell B9 (value = 0). In our industry, it it necessary to show a value of zero if no placements have been made. So the correct answer for cell B17 should be 6:0.
I realize that Google Docs doesn't give the option to format the cell into a ratio style...so the focus is on the formula to give the correct value in Excel 2007.
This is certainly not the only problem with this spreadsheet, but I think that the solution to this formula (with your kind assistance) should get me past this "road block" and back on course toward completion.
Thanks to all!