remove trailing spaces from over 300,000 rows

Dundee Lad

Active Member
Sep 6, 2003
Hello board, I need some help.

I have some simple vba that loops through each cell in column BJ of my worksheet to remove the spaces at the end however this is taking a huge amount of time and I was hoping there was a faster way that someone could show me?

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thanks W8253, but need to use VBA. This also removes all extra spaces from a cell, front, middle and end. only want to remove from
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Select the column containing the data,

Ctrl+H to find and replace

Find What = hit the space bar once

Replace with = leave blank
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I don't know how to write VBA.

type some samples, then i can write you a formula
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Hi, you could see if either of these are any faster:

Sub TrimCells1()
With Range("BJ1:BJ" & Range("BJ" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    .Cells = Evaluate(Replace("=IF(RIGHT(@,1)="" "",LEFT(@,LEN(@)-1),@)", "@", .Address))
End With
End Sub

Sub TrimCells2()
Dim v, i As Long
v = Range("BJ1:BJ" & Range("BJ" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value
For i = 1 To UBound(v)
    If Right(v(i, 1), 1) = " " Then v(i, 1) = Left(v(i, 1), Len(v(i, 1)) - 1)
Next i
Range("BJ1").Resize(UBound(v)).Value = v
End Sub
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You can try this

Sub test2()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("BJ" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR
    With Range("BJ" & i)
      [COLOR=#B22222][B]  If Len(.Value) Then [/B][/COLOR].Value = Trim(Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - 1))
    End With
Next i
End Sub
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