Save Auto-Filtered Selections


Board Regular
Dec 23, 2002
Would appreciate your advices, is it possible to 'remember' the selections of an auto filter.

I have a scenario where we use a filtered sheet to produce a quotation, (by print workbook to pdf) Each quotation could include different items selected from a filtered list, if my quote is successful I want to be able to issue a formal version but without having to rekey any of the data, so I need a way of saving the selection and then reapplying it to the filter at a later date. The quotation is just over 1mb, and we do about a 100 a week, so I don't want to save each quote as an the individual workbook.
I had in mind a second workbook that would have a single row of data with all of the relevant selections that I could then lookup to recreate the original.

Thanks for looking.


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That's excellent, however it does increase the size of the workbook by about 3k per saved view, as mentioned in my first post, I'm already about 1mb (1.4 actually) and we are looking at about 100 quotes a week, so it could end up being a monster workbook to keep opening and closing after not very long. Also there is other data that I need to show such as client name and address for each one, that I will need to bring in from another source.

I'll keep tinkering, but Board, I'm still up for suggestions..
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