Error: 9 - Subscript out of range
I have written the following code , it was working before on my Test Excel sheet when I tried to run on the live xl Sheets i.e. Source and Destination its giving me above error on the line(red font) given below:
Aprreciate your help. The code is written in Acess , but mainly working on Excel Sheet.
Many thanks
I have written the following code , it was working before on my Test Excel sheet when I tried to run on the live xl Sheets i.e. Source and Destination its giving me above error on the line(red font) given below:
Aprreciate your help. The code is written in Acess , but mainly working on Excel Sheet.
Many thanks
Dim wbk1 As Workbook
Dim wbk2 As Workbook
Dim sourceFile As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPBRAuditReport", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
sourceFile = rst.Fields("FinalReportName").Value
'Debug.Print sourceFile
'sourceFile = "T:\Info_Team\Farhan\Reports\Readmission audit report\PBR ReAdmission Audit Report - 20110920 1406.xls"
'sourceFile = "T:\Info_Team\Farhan\Reports\Readmission audit report\" & sourceFile
sourceFile = "N:\Reporting Warehouse\HRG 4\Useful Documents\2011-12\Test\" & sourceFile
Const destinationFile As String = "N:\Reporting Warehouse\HRG 4\Useful Documents\2011-12\Test\Readmission audit JT access upload do not touch.xls"
Set wbk1 = Workbooks.Open(sourceFile)
Set wbk2 = Workbooks.Open(destinationFile)
[COLOR=red]wbk1.Sheets("Audit_Sheet_for_Input").Range("E:E").Copy[/COLOR] Destination:=wbk2.Sheets("JT access upload do not touch").Range("A1")
wbk1.Sheets("Audit_Sheet_for_Input").Range("F:F").Copy Destination:=wbk2.Sheets("JT access upload do not touch").Range("B1")
wbk1.Sheets("Audit_Sheet_for_Input").Range("W:W").Copy Destination:=wbk2.Sheets("JT access upload do not touch").Range("C1")
wbk2.Sheets("JT access upload do not touch").Rows("1:5").Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
LogUpdate "Excel WorkBook Selected Columns has has been copied...... "
Err_Handler: 'Need to check why Error 0 Generate?
LogUpdate "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & " - CopyExcelSheet()"
'CopyExcelSheet() = FunctionFailed
End Sub