OK, I know that you can use scripts to call calculators such as the following.
However, I would like to make my own userform calculator so that I can modify the way it looks, size, font etc... and can add in other things if need be.
Does someone have a worbook that they can provide that has the scripts for a userform calculator that I can then modify the look etc.... to suite my desires.
I have searched the net but haven't found anything worth while.
Sub OpCalc_Click()
'Standard Module code!
On Error GoTo Err_OpCalc_Click
'Open the Calculator!
Call Shell("Calc.exe", 1)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OpCalc_Click
End Sub
Does someone have a worbook that they can provide that has the scripts for a userform calculator that I can then modify the look etc.... to suite my desires.
I have searched the net but haven't found anything worth while.