VBA, Parsing a specific column with different delimiters.


Board Regular
Nov 13, 2015
I have written a script, that when I select the column, and hit Ctrl + Shift + S, it will ask me for a delimiter, then based off that it will split the column, but for some reason it is not working. The only error it is giving me is "Object doesn't support this property or method", and I am at a complete loss as of why. Here is my code. I would love insight or direction on how to fix my error.
Option Explicit

Sub SplitColumn()
Dim oRange As Range, sSeparator As String, iCountSep As Integer
Dim sTest As String, i As Integer, n As Long
Dim sLong As String, sShort As String, sRest As String

Set oRange = Application.InputBox("Select entire column", , Selection.Adddress, , , , , 8)
If oRange.Cells.Count = 1 Then MsgBox "You must select the entire column": Exit Sub
sSeparator = InputBox("What is the separator?", , ",")
sTest = oRange.Cells(2, 1) [COLOR=#008000]'test the first entry,excluding the label or header[/COLOR]
For i = 1 To Len(sTest)[COLOR=#008000] 'An error occurred while executing the command: INVALID-IB-CLASS details: In Basket Classification AH SM Coumadin did not match an active category value.[/COLOR]
    If Mid(sTest, i, 1) = sSeparator Then iCountSep = iCountSep + 1
Next i
For i = 1 To iCountSep [COLOR=#008000]'2 commas[/COLOR]
    oRange.Offset(0, i).EntireColumn.Insert
Next i
For n = 2 To oRange.CurrentRegion.Cells.Count
    With oRange.Cells(n, 1)
        sRest = oRange.Cells(n, 1)
       [COLOR=#008000] 'An error occurred while executing the command: INVALID-IB-CLASS details: In Basket Classification AH SM Coumadin did not match an active category value.[/COLOR]
For i = iCountSep To 1 Step -1 'from last column to first column
    sShort = Trim(Right(sRest, Len(sRest) - InStrRev(Trim(sRest), sSeparator)))
    If Right(sShort, 1) = sSeparator Then sShort = Left(sShort, Len(sShort) - 1)
    If Left(sShort, 1) = "0" Then oRange.Offset(0, 1).EntireColumn.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"
    [COLOR=#008000]' detects leading zeros[/COLOR]
    oRange.Offset(0, 1) = Trim(sShort)
    sRest = Trim(Left(sRest, Len(sRest) - Len(sShort)))
    If Right(sRest, 1) = sSeparator Then sRest = Left(sRest, Len(sRest) - 1)
Next i
If Left(sRest, 1) = "0" Then oRange.Offset(0, i).EntireColumn.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"

oRange.Offset(0, i) = CStr(sRest)

End With
Next n
oRange.Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub

Thank you.

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How to fill five years of quarters?
Type 1Q-2023 in a cell. Grab the fill handle and drag down or right. After 4Q-2023, Excel will jump to 1Q-2024. Dash can be any character.
I think you are getting that because address doesn't have 3 d's in it.
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I haven't looked deeply but this line will produce a big long column of sShort. That wont be your intention im sure.

oRange.Offset(0, 1) = Trim(sShort)
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