conditional formatting

  1. C

    Conditional Formatting highlight cell in range based on a separate range

    Afternoon everyone... I am having a right mare with my conditional formatting formula and i feel like I've tried every variation and I've given up now... I have a list of master codes in one sheet "EWC List" I then input incoming loads in another sheet "Stock" if while i'm inputting the EWC...
  2. Q

    Using VBA instead of Conditional formatting

    Hi hopefully somebody can help. Using Conditional Formatting I've built a workbook which checks for a number in a series of columns on one worksheet and if it finds a it in a grid (named range 'Grid'), formats the cell to a particular colour. This works great, but I have 150 CFs so the whole...
  3. F

    Colour all blank cells in a row if one cell in row has text.

    Hello, New to this site so apologies if this has been covered before and I just don't know how to search for the answer. I want to use conditional formatting to make blank cells yellow in any/all columns if there is text in column A. For example, column A could be order numbers, column B could...
  4. Kobi Merrikin

    Conditional Formatting

    Hi Team, I am creating a calendar view to show room bookings and have been able to pull through the start and end time of the event, I now just want to show the cells in between as highlighted. As you can see below, the Investor Event starts at 8 and finishes at 17:30, I would like the cells in...
  5. Y

    Conditional Formatting: between difference of 2 dates

    Hello! I am trying to write a conditional format where if the difference between the dates (H2-G2) is: <=180 days, the date in the G column turns green >180 days, the date in the G column turns red I don't want the "I" column, I was only using that column to help check/compare with whatever...
  6. G

    Conditional Formatting based on another cell column data

    Good afternoon, I am trying to determine how to conditionally format a column of cells that will already show red when overdue. However, I want it to turn green once data is inputted to column G. I have attached the document for ease of use. So say E3 shows red because they have been enrolled...
  7. FrumpyJones

    Having trouble with conditional formatting on IF formula result

    I have the following formula that works fine to either give me a result or leave a cell blank if the value is zero...
  8. G

    Conditional Formatting for Various Dates

    I am trying to figure out formulas to create conditional formatting for dates that take into account the current date and its relation to future dates, and that are not limited to specific months, years, or number of days. I would like these formulas to be able to carry over into future years...
  9. F

    Conditional Formatting

    Hi I have dates in two diff columns, and need to highlight when the date in J is bigger than the one in D, of that same row And i can get the conditional formatting to work on that one row, but how do i apply it to allll rows of the document, so that its alwasys looking at the matching row so...
  10. Agnarr

    Log. Need to work on g.sheets

    Hello everyone! I implore your help. I have a diet log for an office and looks like below. Now there's conditional Formatting to change the colors of the cells according to min and max values i had in column T. (calories, protein, sleep, water, steps, etc) Now the problem is that they need it...
  11. E

    Basic Gantt Chart - how to use conditional formatting to highlight percentage allocation per project

    Hello, I was hoping the community can help me. I downloaded a standard Gantt template form Excel and have begun modifying it. I would like to present 3 months of data side by side in the same worksheet (only two shown in the images). The challenge I have is that I can't seem to replicate the...
  12. B

    Excel 2021 conditional formatting that changes with the drop down menu

    I have an excel "database" that does various calculations, data collecting and reports for an event that occurs every year. Various reports are generated from specific columns using the indirect function. My question, with the below example, is when I chose 2023, the company names Target and...
  13. L

    I need help with a spreadsheet I have made for "ongoing project Timeline"

    So, I have made a what we call "job List" at work. This needs to be updated every month and shows, the next 12 months, with a proposed end date for each project we are doing. It needs to be visual like a bar graph and I wasn't sure on the best way to do this whilst making it time efficient to...
  14. C

    Only some Conditional Formatting & Data Validation ranges work, even though those rules exist

    I have several ranges of cells on multiple sheets that I have manually applied both Conditional Formatting (CF) & Data Validation (DV). However, only some ranges actually work. I've also tried this by recording a macro for the CF and then using the macro to save time and avoid any errors. When I...
  15. M

    date difference formatting

    Hello Excel knowledge base I hope you can help me, (I did search previous threads but didnt seem to find an answer but it most likely is there) I have a table with a date in column D and I want to put a formula into the corresponding cell in column H that will show the number of months between...
  16. Z

    why Excel shows duplicate values when using Conditional formatting

    B3 Conditional formatting>Highlight cells rules>Duplicate values shows duplicate even if there is no identical values
  17. C

    Exclude from conditional formatting

    Good day everyone, I have an academic rating spreadsheet where students are ranked in the top 10%, 15% and 40%. So right now 3 conditional formatting rules. Each category of rating is recognized during their graduation and on their final graduation certification. However if the student has any...
  18. L

    Conditional Formatting

    I have an daily inventory record which shows daily sales quantities and inventory replenishments. When daily inventory reduces to less than or equal to (8), replenishment occurs adding (8) more to inventory. The replenishment process takes (14) days though, and I want to indicate the day...
  19. C

    How do I do conditional formatting with today's date, but which also includes other text?

    Hi guys, I've been trying to find a way to adopt conditional formatting for a cell which contains today's date. I've been able to do this successfully, but if I include other text in the cell (for example, a time - see image attached), the conditional formatting does not work. What would be...
  20. G

    Skins Game Conditional Formatting

    I've been unsuccessful trying to figure this out using multiple resources so I'm reaching out here. I'm trying to be make the explanation thorough and apologize if it runs on too long. Sheet 1 has everyones scores by hole who played the last round. The Cells with front 9 scores go from E to...

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