
  1. M

    Hyperlink Formula Help

    Hello All, I was sent a file that I am trying to analyze to be able to modify going forward. This was made at another site by an employee that no longer works there so I have no real reference on how it is supposed to work. The main issue is with the Hyperlink function and potentially using...
  2. B

    Excel hyperlink formula is not clickable when the workbook is converted to pdf

    Hi, I have created a "Table of Contents" sheet in my report which has hyperlinks to other sheets. I have used hyperlink formula to navigate to different sheets. This works fine in excel. However, when the excel is printed in pdf, the hyperlinks are non-clickable. Can anyone please help resolve...
  3. L

    Create Hyperlink from one Tab to another based on Cell - Hyperlink needs to move when cell moves

    I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs. I am using one tab 'Integration Details' as an at a glance for source information. I am using multiple other tabs, all split by date, to show sessions on those dates will more information including invitees. I want to be able to click on a 'Session Name'...
  4. T

    Convert to PDF with active links

    I have a spreadsheet with a number of hyperlinks (to files on my network drive) that have been created by concatenating fields. The hyperlinks are active & work as intended in the excel sheet. When I convert to pdf they become flat text. How can I convert to pdf or even a word document with the...
  5. A

    Hyperlink only showing cell value, rather than the link working

    I have a master sheet which has hyperlinks. I am copying these cells to smaller sheets, which are duplicated. Ideally I will update the master with the link and all of the smaller sheets will then have that link, unfortunately the links do not work in any of the smaller sheets. I am using the...
  6. trishcollins

    Reference Dynamic Table Header Name in Hyperlink

    Okay, I have several tables on several worksheets. I have another table that lists all the formulas from the other tables, so that if I ever get hit by a bus, and someone wipes out the original formula in the other table, they can find it here. I am only using formulas in this spreadsheet, as...
  7. Z

    VBA: Convert Cell Contents into Hyperlink on Cell Change

    Hello, I'm looking for a way to take the contents of a cell and convert it to a custom hyperlink when a cell change is detected. I'm currently using a drop-down list in one column, and another to build the custom URL using that drop-down list selection. Here's what I'm using currently to only...
  8. H

    Excel downloads hyperlink rather than open it

    I have a shared excel workbook within my team and within the workbook are embedded hyperlinks to other shared excel workbooks. For all of the team apart from one, the hyperlink opens the excel workbook, but for one colleague the hyperlink downloads. I have scoured her settings but can't see...
  9. S

    Open file that has A Hash (#) Sign in the File Name

    Hi I just noticed that Excel hyperlink won't be able to open a file that has pound sign (Hash #) in the file name. One solution is to rename those files. However, I have so many files with (#) in their name which not possible solution. Any thought on how to solve this issue?
  10. T

    HyperLinks to folders with the same name as excel cell value

    Hi MrExcel community, this is my first time for posting here. Though I know the topic about matching(look up) and hyperlinks in VBA Excel has been repeated a lot. I have a macros that I would love to ask on how to code which I will explain the criteria of it down below with a picture for better...
  11. J

    Copy and Paste Selected File in a Cell

    I have a piece of code used to on a button to grab an excel file, copy a few bits of data from it, and paste to my current open file and sheet to particular cells. How do I take the path of the selected file and paste it as a link in my currently open workbook and sheet in cell A35. I just...
  12. D

    VBA code to create a hyperlink from files in a folder and assign to a cell with a similar name

    I have the following code that creates hyperlinks from all pdfs contained in a folder and listed in column N. Sub extractfiles_hyperlink() Dim xFSO As Object Dim xFolder As Object Dim xFile As Object Dim xFiDialog As FileDialog Dim xPath As String Dim i As Integer...
  13. H

    How to use hyperlink automatically ?

    I have a list of members in column A with their website URL (just url) listed in column B, I copy the URL of each member from the column B into hyperlink in column A, and this process takes a long time. I need a macro code to do it for all the members.
  14. A

    School fee challan print by clicking roll no.

    Dear All, I have an excel file which contains students sheet with month name and school fee challans sheet. A) When I click on the roll no. then print of challans on other sheet should be sent to printer with this student record: 1) Roll no. here as challan no there 2) student name and...
  15. J

    Image Hyperlink Subaddress - Variable Cell Reference (VBA)

    Ok, all, first time posting on any forum. Just been sitting in the back, reading and learning. But now I'm stuck and decided to ask for help. I need to assign a created image with a hyperlink to a hidden sheet, using a variable address based on the value of a cell. EV36 would be the location of...
  16. M

    Other version of Hyperlink

    Hi. In advance, sorry for my english. I want to link value to other excel when i click cell i dont want to go other sheet for explain, i want it show when i aproach to cell. Please look at images
  17. S

    Hyperlink > go to certain worksheet based on cell value

    Hi all, I am still learning with excel and have been rattling my brain over the past few days of how to get this to work! So here we go.... In worksheet "Log", cells C2, C3, C4 will have values inserted from a userform with numbers like 732, 733, 744 etc and these cells will be hyperlinked. I...
  18. N

    VBA: Auto Insert Hyperlinked Photos and Resize

    I found a script for inserting hyperlinked photos that works well with one column. However, I would like to know how to insert for multiple columns like I, J, K, L, M, N. Each column will have several rows of hyperlinks. Here is the code I found that works well for single column. Just need to...
  19. H

    Sendkeys methods to work for range

    Hi! This is my first thread on this forum, hope you understand me and help :) I am working with excel for my personal project. I would to make a macro_button which changes formulas/text for hyperlink. I have tried many options with sendkeys in macro but still have same problem. There are my...
  20. 2

    Turn last non-blank cell address formula into a Hyperlink

    Formula returns address of last non-blank cell in column A: ="A"&MATCH(2,1/(A:A<>""),1) e.g.: A1000 Trying to turn it into a Hyperlink with: =HYPERLINK("A"&MATCH(2,1/(A:A<>""),1)) results in below error, when clicking on it. How to turn last non-blank cell address formula into a Hyperlink...

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