memory error

  1. M

    Memory resource issue when opening and closing excel files

    I have a VBA program that loads a pivot table into a VBA array. The program then creates various spreadsheets required. It opens a new excel file, populates the data, then saves the file and closes the file. The program creates circa 270 excel / CSV files. However, just recently we have run...
  2. A

    There isn't enough memory to complete this action

    Hi all, When i press a button to run the VBA, previously it works but now shows the below message but my excel version is Microsoft 365. The VBA show error on here but i don't know why, would anyone help me? Thank you very much Below is my code: Dim wb As Workbook Dim wb2 As Workbook Dim...
  3. I

    VBA, There isn't enough memory to process 50K csv files, timeout at 2k queries for a search, find, copy, past, loop

    HI, I'm new to the forum and really new to VBA and could really use some expert assistance. This code provides a text box to "scrape many like files for keywords of your choice." It first performs a search for keywords, then once the keyword is found, takes the cell next to it and populates it...
  4. S

    out of memory with small array

    All, I've ran into an error with my code where it gives me an out of memory error after i try to paste an array to a range. I've read through a lot of posts and everything seems to be with arrays in very large sizes which mine only has 13,000 rows. The strangest part is i have some string...
  5. P

    Memoisation in DAX measures

    Hello everyone, I do have to face a memory error in my DAX computations. To by-pass it, I have in mind to apply some memoisation. Do you think memoisation is possible in Power BI? Here is the context: - I have to work on some data related to 1000 videos; - measure A computes an average of the...
  6. srizki

    Excel can not complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications.

    Hi All, I am getting the following message, "Excel can not complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications." And when I click OK, I get the following message box. Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough...
  7. P

    Macros Running Excel Out Of Memory

    OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 Excel 2011 version 14.7.2 (170228) on MAC Am running the below macros in module 4 as an end of month worksheet cleanup, and have been getting "Out of Memory" messages. How can this be fixed? Sub ClearCheckbookEntries() Range("V5:Y54,AB5:AE54").Select...
  8. T

    Help Understanding and Fixing Out of Memory & Automation error Catastrophic failure Messages

    I have a macro that is the most advanced I have built. However, it often crashes when saving if I have previously edited or ran it in my workbook. I typically get an "Out of Memory" error message and have recently received a "Automation error Catastrophic failure" error message. Bellow is the...
  9. T

    [Error] I'm getting the "Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough memory or disk space" error

    Hello, so i recently changed my PC's name (because of some program's incompability with accents). Since then i'm getting this error whenever i try to create a new excel sheet. I've tried some solutions but none of them have worked (i also have uninstalled and installed again). If someone could...
  10. K

    Excel VBA - Run Time Error 7 - Out of memory

    Hi, I keep getting Run Time Error 7 - Out of Memory in the following code: Sub PDFandValueVersion() ' This bit of code will select the worksheets to be PDF'd Dim rng As Range For Each rng In Sheets("Config").Range("A1:A" & Sheets("Config").Range("A" &...
  11. M

    VBA Excel memory problem (easy code)

    Hi all I wrote a simple code that gives me surprisingly (probably not surprising for you) a memory problem: "There isn't enough memory to complete this action..". I want to copy/paste rows from a sheet to another sheet based on two conditions. After it is pasted I want to delete those rows...
  12. T

    Run time Error 13

    Hi, Vlookups were taking forever so I wrote the below code to use the scripting dictionary. It works fine on smaller amounts of data but I am getting the Run time error on my "live run". I assume it is due to the size of my data. how can I fix this. My work sheets are between 250k and 350k+...
  13. E

    Out of Memory error in VBA macro

    I know there are several posts about this problem on this forum, but my problem is more confusing because i'm not even dealing with a significant amount of data. All I am trying to do is have a macro dynamically determine the # of rows of data for 1 worksheet and name a range based on that...
  14. D

    Excel 365 Pro-Plus performance issues

    Excel Performance Issues Microsoft Excel regularly crashes when working in large workbooks(although this appears to happen in normal sized workbooks) with the Error Message: 'There isn't enough memory to complete this action. Try using less data or closing other applications. To increase memory...
  15. A

    Excel Fuzzy Lookup Add-in - Exception out of memory

    I have been using Fuzzy Lookup for a while to match 2 lists with no problems. Just recently I have started to experience an error that return the following exception - Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. (mscorlib) I am not sure if it's caused bu the volume of the...
  16. G

    VBA Form1.Hide is unloading the form

    I am running a VBA wizard, and part way through I HIDE the form to allow the users to modify some items directly in one of the worksheets. After this is done, I SHOW the form, but all the information has reset. Series of events: 1. Run the form SetupWizard 2. Information is entered in a...
  17. S

    Out of Stack Space Error (Error No-28)

    Hello everyone!!:) Can anyone plz help me with this problem? I am calling a particular procedure in VB Excel repeatedly from a another procedure. After some time the excel hangs up and stops responding. It shows "Out of Stack Space Error" Is there a way to clear the stack space? Is ther any...
  18. S

    Cannot complete this task with available resources

    Hi Everyone, I am getting what seems (from my limited reserach) to be a fairly generic memory limitation with Excel. The error message on opening the file reads: Excel cannot complete this task witht he available resources. Choose less data or close the applications. After I open the file...

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