table formula

  1. X

    Several VBA Userforms Questions including formulas in the Userform and uneditable textboxes.

    Ok. I am fairly new to the whole userform thing, but i find it really useful for what i want to do with it. But i still got several questions about it. 1. I have managed toget a fairly big userform to work and enter all those values in a table. But i figured out that when i use the userform to...
  2. H

    Shortcut to enter new table row with formula

    Hi All, I have a table with a lot of formula and when I insert a new row it is always blank and doesn't carry the formula downward into the new row. I did some digging on Google and managed to find a work-around someone else had proposed which enters a new row (with all the formula) each time...
  3. R

    Copying formulae within a table

    Afternoon everyone I am fluent in Excel 'traditional' formulae but I find myself having to interface with tables from other sources frequently so trying to get up to speed with the nuances... I am currently trying to pull sales forecast information from a master lead sheet, its all very basic...
  4. C

    Dynamic chart using table, limiting rows with formula

    Hi, I have created a chart referencing data from a table. The first column in the table (A) is a formula that basically says if column B in the same row is not blank, then add a day from the date above. I paste a new month's data (via macro) in every so often and the date then appears and is...
  5. J

    Table not adding formulas with new row addition

    Greetings I have a workbook where daily production data has been keyed for a few years and there are quite a few formulas in it as well. I took prior year data out of the table to bring it to a more manageable size but now when adding a new row it is not populating with the formulas as it...
  6. D

    How can i edit historic formulas from Excel table?????

    Hi Guys I am having a real issue with a spreadsheet i run which has a sales table that does a vlookup to two other sheets. It also has a a vba modules in it for keeping sold prices in static. After a few weeks of running it one of the vlookups was wrong from 1 sheet. I have got the...
  7. F

    dynamic table

    hi, in sheet1 I have source table: <tbody> Car Year Color Type Audi 2000 Red Sport BMW 2001 Black Coupe Volvo 1998 Yellow Combi VW 1996 Black - Fiat 2003 Red Family </tbody> Then in sheet2 in A1 I will be selecting car name (Audi, BMW etc). Now if I choose "Audi" I want to in...
  8. E

    Excel Table - change the column I'm summing based on a variable

    I have 2 tables: table 1 which contains a summary; table 2 which contains my data I want to be able to look up and sum the total of a column in table 2 based on the value in table 1 (ie. I need to be able to change the syntax in the formula "=SUM(table2[column])" To give an example, here is my...
  9. A

    Countif formula in excel table

    Does anyone know how to use a countif formula in a table. I have a table in which I would like to total up all the occurrences of the word "yes" in one column and show it in the total row of that column. I have tried the following with no luck....any ideas what I'm doing wrong here...
  10. W

    Auto Populate an Annual Budget

    Using Excel 2010 First and most importantly, I need to auto populate a spreadsheet representing a full year / 365 days from a data set. Secondly, if a specific data item changes, whether the amount changes or the payment day changes, I need it to automatically update the spreadsheet through...
  11. R

    Search table for active cells (checked box) and return name

    Hi Everyone, I hope someone can help me as I'm having a lot of trouble with a spreadsheet for work. I'm trying to create a table which contains all of our machine operators/floor staff and their operations they are certified to do. Column B4:B22 is the staff names. Row C3:N3 is all the machines...
  12. M

    Table for all combinatios

    I want to create a table with seven columns that each line will have all the possible combinations in order the sum of the line to be always 1. Each number will increase by 0.1 from 0 to 1. See example below: C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.1 0 0 0 0 0...
  13. K

    Process Automation

    I am looking for a way to automate this process. The table in the file marked as Actual depends on the first two tables Vol and Budget. I need an idea of how to automate the process. Here is a sample file -
  14. K

    VBA code to run a formula in a Table from one row to the next in the entire table.

    I am looking for a Macro that will make the process in the document as simple as possible. Its currently a lot of manual work and I would like to automate the process. The document involves a two tables in a Matrix form input Volumes and Budget and an out Actuals. In the same document we have...
  15. E

    Locking part of a formula with structured references

    This may not be possible but it has bothered me for quite some time. I'm looking for a way to lock part of a formula with multiple structured references. I'm aware that when using structured referencing that filling or dragging will shift all of the references and that copying and pasting will...
  16. S

    Table Field Auto numbering

    Hi All, Please help! I have a database in an excel table and need a formula or macro that auto-numbers new rows with a unique key like Access would. I have seen loads of formulas using ROW() and OFFSET(). However, I want the values to stay static despite sorting the table by different...
  17. D

    Conditional Formatting - valid formulas?

    I am trying to set conditional formats based on a table lookup rather than referencing another cell in the same sheet. does anyone know if this is possible? Example: Table (defined as an Excel Table on Sheet 2): Headers> "Column A", "Column B", "Column C" Row1> 001, "OK", £100 Row2> 002...
  18. dukeofscouts

    Array Formula issue

    I'm combining two formulas that I have intergrated into workbook. I'm cleaning everything up so I would like to have the two formulas calculating in one cell, so this is what I came up with: =INDEX(Food_Items[Item],SMALL( IF($AM$3<>"", IF($C$2<>""...
  19. B

    Auto-populate cells from table, but not the ones with zero balances

    Table 1 Looks like mine table. (but mines actually 34 rows long including the header) TABLE1 <TABLE style="WIDTH: 343pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=457><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 118pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 6698" width=157><COL...
  20. rolito

    Fixed reference in Excel 2007 table formula

    I have a formula in Excel 2007 table like this: =[Quantity]*[Price-Jan-08] I would like to copy that formula to the right with quantity absolute fixed and Price been relative. In Excel 2003 I used the "$", but in this new Excel 2007 table formulas I don´t know how to copy this formula to the...

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