I've to iterate through each cell in "Column C" in downward direction.
I've to fetch values from the corresponding cells for which I'm using vLookup. I need to fetch multiple values so I would be using more vLookups in the loop after I get this working.
All these fetched values would be clubbed and based on conditions counters ,like one of them being "A" would be updated and summed at last to find the sum of each counter variables.
Here I'm trying to do is use loop for application "VLookup", but for some reasons it is not working.
I've tried using
..VLookup( Range("C" & i), ...
..VLookup("C" & i, ...
..VLookup(Cells(i, "C"), ...
i is the counter and C is the column. Could you please help me with it? I've been searching for help from past 8 hours. Finally I had to paste. I'll attach the file too.
I've to fetch values from the corresponding cells for which I'm using vLookup. I need to fetch multiple values so I would be using more vLookups in the loop after I get this working.
All these fetched values would be clubbed and based on conditions counters ,like one of them being "A" would be updated and summed at last to find the sum of each counter variables.
Here I'm trying to do is use loop for application "VLookup", but for some reasons it is not working.
I've tried using
..VLookup( Range("C" & i), ...
..VLookup("C" & i, ...
..VLookup(Cells(i, "C"), ...
i is the counter and C is the column. Could you please help me with it? I've been searching for help from past 8 hours. Finally I had to paste. I'll attach the file too.
Sub CalculateApril()
Dim i As Integer, A
A = 0
Dim isDecomm
Dim myRange As Variant, mySelectedArea
mySelectedArea = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MSL").Range("C2:G22")
For i = 2 To LastCellInColumn - 1
With ActiveSheet
' Define Range
myRange = "C" & i
' Issued in April. Checks for the Month
If Range(myRange).Value = 4 Then
A = A + 1
' Are they Decommissioned ? Yes = Ignore, No - Count
isDecomm = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "C").Value, Range("C2:G22"), 5, False)
Debug.Print Cells(i, "C").Value
'MsgBox isDecomm
End If
End With
' Increment i/Row
Next i
End Sub