I need to average a set of figures across multiple worksheets.
In searching the net, I found a way to do this:
This will average the contents of the K5 cell across the consecutive range of worksheets between Sheet1 and Sheet10. I am using sales data on worksheets named for the year so my actual formula would be =AVERAGE('1998:2011'!K5).Works just fine if I manually enter the worksheet names, but I am creating a template from which I can create a new worksheet each year. In my searching, I also found a function that will provide the name of the worksheet in a cell:
=MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("] ",CELL("filename"))+1,255)
so I am looking for a way to put this function in the formula so that when I copy the template and name the new sheet "2012" the =AVERAGE formula will be =AVERAGE('1998:2012'!K5). I have been able to successfully CONCATENATE the text in a separate cell using
=CONCATENATE("'","1998",":",MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("] ",CELL("filename"))+1,255),"'")
yielding text in the cell of '1998:2012'
but as soon as I try to substitute this in the AVERAGE function, I get a standard AVERAGE error messages showing
=AVERAGE(value1, value2,value3,....
and if I try to reference the cell containing the string, Excel opens an "Update File" dialog box asking me to update the reference??
Does anybody know how I can use the MID function in the AVERAGE function so that I can automatically generate the correct sheet name in the formula when I create and name a new sheet from the template???? or some other way to create the correct reference in the template?
To any and all responders - Thank You!
In searching the net, I found a way to do this:
This will average the contents of the K5 cell across the consecutive range of worksheets between Sheet1 and Sheet10. I am using sales data on worksheets named for the year so my actual formula would be =AVERAGE('1998:2011'!K5).Works just fine if I manually enter the worksheet names, but I am creating a template from which I can create a new worksheet each year. In my searching, I also found a function that will provide the name of the worksheet in a cell:
=MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("] ",CELL("filename"))+1,255)
so I am looking for a way to put this function in the formula so that when I copy the template and name the new sheet "2012" the =AVERAGE formula will be =AVERAGE('1998:2012'!K5). I have been able to successfully CONCATENATE the text in a separate cell using
=CONCATENATE("'","1998",":",MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("] ",CELL("filename"))+1,255),"'")
yielding text in the cell of '1998:2012'
but as soon as I try to substitute this in the AVERAGE function, I get a standard AVERAGE error messages showing
=AVERAGE(value1, value2,value3,....
and if I try to reference the cell containing the string, Excel opens an "Update File" dialog box asking me to update the reference??
Does anybody know how I can use the MID function in the AVERAGE function so that I can automatically generate the correct sheet name in the formula when I create and name a new sheet from the template???? or some other way to create the correct reference in the template?
To any and all responders - Thank You!