Someone told me I can't have a loop within a VBA function that offsets to different cells from current cells, such as
If anyone has any insight, would appreciate some help! Thanks!
Function test(startdate As Variant, enddate As Variant) As Variant
..................... 'removed code
If currmo > ActiveCell And Not IsDate(ActiveCell) Then
pricejump = Value.Range("frontmth_last").End(xlDown) + price
price = pricejump
ElseIf currmo < ActiveCell Then
pricejump = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) + price
price = pricejump
If currmo < WorksheetFunction.EDate(currmo, 1) Then
currmojump = currmo
currmojump = WorksheetFunction.EDate(currmo, 1)
End If
currmo = currmojump
Range("front_fstnot").Offset(i, 0).Active
currmo = ActiveCell
If anyone has any insight, would appreciate some help! Thanks!