This is probably an old one that somebody can tell me, but apologies as I've been unable to search the solution on past posts.
My macro is copying some worksheets from a source workbook which is .xlsm (and needs to remain so) and copying them into to a new workbook I am creating through the code.
However, I need the new workbook to be saved down as .xls 97 - 2003, as it is used by another system that doesn't recognise anything else.
I had no problems running this on my system which is 2007. But one of my users was testing it for me (also using 2007) and she is getting an error along the lines of "the source data has more rows than the new workbook.. etc."
Short of saving it down as .xlsx initially and then re-opening it to save down again as .xls and having to delete the .xlsx file, is there another more simple way I'm missing? And why does this seem to be inconsistent across systems on the same version of Excel?
All clues greatly appreciated..!
This is probably an old one that somebody can tell me, but apologies as I've been unable to search the solution on past posts.
My macro is copying some worksheets from a source workbook which is .xlsm (and needs to remain so) and copying them into to a new workbook I am creating through the code.
However, I need the new workbook to be saved down as .xls 97 - 2003, as it is used by another system that doesn't recognise anything else.
I had no problems running this on my system which is 2007. But one of my users was testing it for me (also using 2007) and she is getting an error along the lines of "the source data has more rows than the new workbook.. etc."
Short of saving it down as .xlsx initially and then re-opening it to save down again as .xls and having to delete the .xlsx file, is there another more simple way I'm missing? And why does this seem to be inconsistent across systems on the same version of Excel?
SSPath = WkbAll.Path
WSIName = SSPath & "\Client Data " & FndNo & " " & CStr(Format(Mdt, "dd-mm-yy")) & ".xls"
Workbooks.Add.SaveAs (WSIName), FileFormat:=56
Set WkbWSI = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Set shtTest = WkbAll.Sheets("B")
If Err = 0 Then
WkbAll.Sheets("B").Copy After:=WkbWSI.Sheets(WkbWSI.Sheets.Count)
WkbWSI.Sheets("B").Name = "Valuation B"
ActiveSheet.Name = "Valuation B"
End If
On Error Goto 0
All clues greatly appreciated..!