Expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder


New Member
Feb 26, 2015
I have VBA that gets specific cell data from every .xlsx workbook in a specified folder (folder path is in cell A20) and places that data in different sheets of my existing workbook to allow for sorting and lookup.
What I have works great.

But how can I edit the code so it will also get the data from all subfolders as well?
Note: One subfolder deeper consists of 12 folders.
...or, can I edit the folder path in A20 someway to include multiple folder paths so that the VBA will get data from all .xlsx files in those too?

Thank you in advance for reviewing and offering assistance if you can!

Here is the code, (located in module1):

Public Sub Get_Report_Data()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Get data from files in choosen folder
 On Error GoTo exitloop
 Path = Sheets("Start Here").Range("A20").Value & "\"
 NextFile = Dir(Path & "*.xlsx")

 ' open book
 Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & NextFile
 ' Copy/Paste Data from book
 Call RetrieveData
 ' Close book

 Do While NextFile <> "" ' Start the loop.
 NextFile = Dir
 If NextFile = "" Then Exit Sub

 ' open book
 Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & NextFile
 ' Copy/Paste Data from book
 Call RetrieveData
 ' Close book

 End Sub
 Private Sub RetrieveData()
 SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet1"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("B32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L8").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M8").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 5).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L16").Value
 End With
  SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet2"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("C32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L9").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M9").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 5).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M16").Value

End With
  SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet3"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("D32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L10").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M10").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 5).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("N16").Value

 End With
  SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet4"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("E32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L11").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M11").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 5).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("O16").Value

  End With
  SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet5"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("F32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("L12").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M12").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 5).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("P16").Value

   End With
  SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet6"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("G32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("H32").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 4).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("I32").Value

   End With
     SourceSh = "Daily Report"
 TargetSh = "Sheet7"
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TargetSh)
 NxtEmptyRw = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 1).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("A5").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("M57").Value
 .Cells(NxtEmptyRw, 3).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSh).Range("O57").Value

End With

'Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

As a side note, cell A20 is populated by code in modules 2 and 3.
Module2 lets the user browse and select a folder path and module3 pastes that selected folder path into cell A20 for module1 to use.
See that code below:

Option Explicit
Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
     'Function purpose:  To Browser for a user selected folder.
     'If the "OpenAt" path is provided, open the browser at that directory
     'NOTE:  If invalid, it will open at the Desktop level
    Dim ShellApp As Object
     'Create a file browser window at the default folder
    OpenAt = "P:\Public\Broad_River\Dailies"
    Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
    BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
     'Set the folder to that selected.  (On error in case cancelled)
    On Error Resume Next
    BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
    On Error GoTo 0
     'Destroy the Shell Application
    Set ShellApp = Nothing
     'Check for invalid or non-entries and send to the Invalid error
     'handler if found
     'Valid selections can begin L: (where L is a letter) or
     '\\ (as in \\servername\sharename.  All others are invalid
    Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
    Case Is = ":"
        If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
    Case Is = "\"
        If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
    Case Else
        GoTo Invalid
    End Select
    Exit Function
     'If it was determined that the selection was invalid, set to False
    BrowseForFolder = False
End Function

Public Sub CopyFolderAddress()

 Dim strChosenFolder As String
 strChosenFolder = BrowseForFolder("Choose a folder")
 'handle the click of cancel button
 If (InStr(1, LCase(strChosenFolder), LCase("false"), vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
 Exit Sub
 End If
 ActiveSheet.Range("A20") = strChosenFolder

 End Sub

Best regards!

Excel Facts

Fastest way to copy a worksheet?
Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging tab for Sheet1 to the right. Excel will make a copy of the worksheet.
Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder


You might consider replacing the "Get_Report_Data" macro with the following...

Sub StartSubfolderLoop()
Dim FolderPath As String
FolderPath = Sheets("Start Here").Range("A20").Value & "\"
SubfolderLoop FolderPath, True
End Sub

Sub SubfolderLoop(SourceFolderName As String, IncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
' set a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim SubFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim FileItem As Scripting.File
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set SourceFolder = fso.GetFolder(SourceFolderName)
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
    If InStr(FileItem.Name, ".xlsx") > 0 Then
        Workbooks.Open FileItem
        Call RetrieveData
        Workbooks(FileItem.Name).Close savechanges:=False
    End If
Next FileItem

If IncludeSubfolders Then
    For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
        SubfolderLoop SubFolder.Path, True
    Next SubFolder
End If

Set FileItem = Nothing
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub


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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

Thanks tonyyy!
I appreciate your response. Could you advise of where I should insert your recommended code and what I should delete from my existing? btw, not sure if it matters or not but I am running Excel 2013.
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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

I got it working tonyyy!
Once I selected "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" under VB, Tools, References it works great.
Is there any way to edit the code to restrict depth of sub folders to 1 or better yet allow multiple folder selection?
Best regards,
Upvote 0
Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

Glad you got it working, truerip. The following will prompt you to enter the depth of subfolders (default = 1)...

Sub StartSubfolderLoop()
Dim FolderPath As String, folderLevel As Long, n As Long
FolderPath = Sheets("Start Here").Range("A20").Value & "\"
folderLevel = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please enter the depth of subfolders.", Title:="Folder Level", Default:="1")
n = 0
SubfolderLoop FolderPath, True, folderLevel, n
End Sub

Sub SubfolderLoop(SourceFolderName As String, IncludeSubfolders As Boolean, folderLevel As Long, n As Long)
' set a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim SubFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim FileItem As Scripting.File
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set SourceFolder = fso.GetFolder(SourceFolderName)
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
    If InStr(FileItem.Name, ".xlsx") > 0 Then
        Workbooks.Open FileItem
        Call RetrieveData
        Workbooks(FileItem.Name).Close savechanges:=False
    End If
Next FileItem

n = n + 1
If IncludeSubfolders Then
    If n <= folderLevel Then
        For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
            SubfolderLoop SubFolder.Path, True, folderLevel, n
        Next SubFolder
    End If
End If

Set FileItem = Nothing
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

Amazing! The subfolder depth works wonderful. Only thing is the folder level prompt still runs the macro even if I select "Cancel". Haven't figured out how to make the "Cancel" selection stop the import.
How could I edit the code to set the subfolder depth to a specific value without prompting the user?
Great weekend to you!
Best regards,
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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

To enable the Cancel button and exit the macro, add the line in red...

Sub StartSubfolderLoop()
Dim FolderPath As String, folderLevel As Long, n As Long
FolderPath = Sheets("Start Here").Range("A20").Value & "\"
folderLevel = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please enter the depth of subfolders.", Title:="Folder Level", Default:="1")
[COLOR=#ff0000]If folderLevel = False Then Exit Sub[/COLOR]
n = 0
SubfolderLoop FolderPath, True, folderLevel, n
End Sub

To set the subfolder depth without prompting the user, change the folderLevel value in the code below...

Sub StartSubfolderLoopr2()
Dim FolderPath As String, folderLevel As Long, n As Long
FolderPath = Sheets("Start Here").Range("A20").Value & "\"
folderLevel = 1 'Change this value
n = 0
SubfolderLoop FolderPath, True, folderLevel, n
End Sub
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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

Works perfect! Thank you for your guidance tonyyy.
Have a great one.
Best regards,
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Re: Need help expanding VBA that gets specified data from multiple .xlsx files in specified folder

You're very welcome. Glad it worked out...
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