Filter sort in using VBA


New Member
Feb 8, 2019
I've got a simple spread sheet where I am using a pull down box list to select a staff member and then all their sorted tasks should appear on another sheet. It just doesn't populate the target sheet (sheet 4).....

VBA attached to sheet with all tasks and pull down is;

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice
On Error Resume Next
If Not Intersect(Range("E2"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Range("E2").Value = "" Then
Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("E2").AutoFilter 5, Range("E2").Value
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Excel Facts

Whats the difference between CONCAT and CONCATENATE?
The newer CONCAT function can reference a range of cells. =CONCATENATE(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) becomes =CONCAT(A1:A5)
Forgot to mention the pull down is at cell E2 and the column to sort is column 5. This just doesn't seem to run???
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Can anyone please help me with this. I am new to VB and I just cant work out why it isn't happenning
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Hello Tojomojo,

Could you please upload a sample of your workbook to a file sharing site (such as Drop Box or GE.TT) and then post the link to your file back here.
Please ensure that the sample is an exact replica of your actual workbook and if your data is sensitive then please use dummy data. A dozen or so rows of data will suffice.

Seeing your workbook and its set out will make it easier for someone to help you.

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Hello Tojomojo,

The link is telling me that the file can't be accessed. Could you try another file sharing site please. Perhaps GE.TT.

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First of all you don't have a sheet
, you have a sheet with the codename Sheet4 which is Worksheets("My List").

An explanation of the difference is in the link here.

Worksheets("My List") is blank and you are doing nothing in the code to copy/transfer any data to the sheet.

Can you please describe in words exactly what you want the code to do.
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OK, so when the pulldown in E2 is selected on the TASKS sheet I want all the row data on that sheet that is associated with the selection in E2 to appear on the My Tasks sheet

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You don't have a "My Tasks" sheet!
and when we have it sorted on which sheet the data is going to, do you need the header copied? and the next time you run the code are you adding to the data already there or are you creating new data each time?
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