If Range of columns appears in Rng, Do Things


Board Regular
Mar 16, 2018
I have the following:

Sub Automatic_Highlights(Rng As Range)

If Rng.Range("O:T") = True Then GoTo Skip ' In my head this should read "If Rng falls within Range("O:T"), Then GoTo Skip"; Or that's how I want it to read at least.

Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 7
Intersect(Rng.EntireRow, Range("U:U")).Interior.ColorIndex = 7 ' Is it possible to accomplish the above comment here, making the loop unnecessary?

End Sub

Basically I want to exclude columns O:T from the loop, and I can't seem to figure it out. Anyone have any input?
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Excel Facts

Highlight Duplicates
Home, Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells, Duplicate records, OK to add pink formatting to any duplicates in selected range.
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Verdana]Sub Automatic_Highlights(Rng As Range)[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]

Dim Cel As Range

For Each Cel in Rng

If Cel.Column > 14 And [COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]Cel[/FONT][/COLOR].Column < 21 Then 
   'Do nothing here
   [LEFT][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Verdana]Cel.Interior.ColorIndex = 7[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]
End If


End Sub

However, this will end the sub if you were to go higher than "T" too
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Sub Automatic_Highlights(Rng As Range)

If Rng.Column > 14 Then GoTo Skip
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 7
Intersect(Rng.EntireRow, Range("U:U")).Interior.ColorIndex = 7
End Sub

This worked, and you gave me the idea. Thank you!!!
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Sub Test()
Dim Rng As Range, Test As Range
Set Rng = Range("O1:T100")  'Change range to suit
Set Test = Intersect(Rng, Range("O:T"))
If Not Test Is Nothing Then
    If Rng.Count = Intersect(Rng, Range("O:T")).Count Then
        MsgBox "All In"
        MsgBox "Not All IN"
    End If
    MsgBox "None In"
End If
End Sub
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