Is this possible - plot data to matrix


New Member
Aug 17, 2008
I have an Excel file with a sheet that has the following columns: Name, Activity, Start Date,
End Date. What I would like to do: I would like to create summary sheet with a calendar-like
matrix, with the names as rows, and dates as columns. I would then like to plot the activity in
the corresponding dates (based on the start and end date). Note: If there are schedule
conflicts, the conflict should show up in another row
- Is this even possible to do in Excel???
Name Activity StartDate EndDate
PersonA Vacation Jan1 Jan3
PersonA Office Jan4 Jan5
PersonA Field Jan6 Jan7
PersonB Vacation Jan1 Jan3
PersonB Field Jan4 Jan7
PersonB Office Jan5 Jan5
Name Jan1 Jan2 Jan3 Jan4 Jan5 Jan6 Jan7
PersonA Vacation Vacation Vacation Office Office Field Field
PersonB Vacation Vacation Vacation Field Field Field Field
PersonB Office
I would appreciate thoughts / feedback.

Excel Facts

Why are there 1,048,576 rows in Excel?
The Excel team increased the size of the grid in 2007. There are 2^20 rows and 2^14 columns for a total of 17 billion cells.
Hi ! Here Suggest to you
<table style="border-collapse: collapse;" colspan="2" border="7" cellspacing="0"><tbody bgcolor="#ffffff"><tr height="36"><td colspan="2"> DataSheet= Sheet1</td></tr><tr><td width="422"><table colspan="9" rowspan="7" bgcolor="#939393" border="0" cellspacing="1" width="452"><col width="30"><col width="63"><col width="58"><col width="59"><col width="58"><col width="46"><col width="46"><col width="46"><col width="46"><tbody bgcolor="#ffffff"><tr height="18"><td> </td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">A</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">B</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">C</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">D</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">E</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">F</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">G</td><td style="" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">H</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">1 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Source:</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">2 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Name</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Activity</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">StartDate</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">EndDate</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">3 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonA</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">01-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">03-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">4 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonA</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">04-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">05-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">5 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonA</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">06-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">07-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">6 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonB</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">01-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">03-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">7 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonB</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">04-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">07-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">8 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonB</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">05-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">05-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">9 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">10 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Summary:</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">11 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Name</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">01-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">02-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">03-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">04-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">05-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">06-Jan</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">07-Jan</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">12 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonA</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">13 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonB</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td></tr><tr height="18"><td align="right" bgcolor="#dcdcdc">14 </td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">PersonB</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Vacation</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Office</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">Field</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>
<colspan=14 width="14" rowspan="3" height="54"></colspan=14><table style="border-collapse: collapse;" border="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr height="24"><td colspan="14" align="center">Used Formula ...(With Running MicrosoftExcel Ver 2003)
If Pink Formula that is FormulaArray !!!
WithOut {} Input Formula and Press Control+Shift+Enter</td></tr><tr height="24"><td align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3d3" width="4%">No</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3d3" width="9%">Addr'</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3d3" width="65%"> If use below Formula, You'll Get Result as Right</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3d3" width="15%">Result</td><td align="center" bgcolor="#d3d3d3">Etc</td></tr><tr height="20"><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">B12</td><td>=INDIRECT("b"&MAX(($C$3:$C$8<=B$11)*(B$11<=$D$3:$D$8)*($A$3:$A$8=$A12)*ROW($A$3:$A$8)))</td><td align="left">Vacation</td><td></td></tr><tr height="20"><td align="center">2</td><td align="center"></td><td>B12 His Formula Used This Cell -> B12:H14</td><td align="left"></td><td></td></tr><tr height="24"><td colspan="14"> If this is not wanted answer, give more detail of Questions
if Formula occurs Error! / Different Answer... please Remove the Space.
Upvote 0
Sub test()
Dim minDate As Date, maxDate As Date
Dim a, b(), x As Long, y As Long, n As Long
Dim i As Long, ii As Long
With Range("a1").CurrentRegion
    a = .Value
    minDate = Application.Min(.Range("c:d"))
    maxDate = Application.Max(.Range("c:d"))
End With
x = DateDiff("d", minDate, maxDate)
n = 1
ReDim b(1 To UBound(a, 1), 1 To x + 2)
b(1, 1) = "Name"
For i = 0 To x
    b(1, i + 2) = DateAdd("d", i, minDate)
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    .comparemode = vbTextCompare
    For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
        If IsDate(a(i, 3)) Then
            If Not .exists(a(i, 1)) Then
                n = n + 1: b(n, 1) = a(i, 1)
                .Add a(i, 1), n
            End If
            x = a(i, 3) - minDate + 2
            y = x + a(i, 4) - a(i, 3)
            For ii = x To y
                b(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii) = _
                b(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii) & _
                IIf(b(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii) <> "", "/", "") & a(i, 2)
        End If
End With
With Range("g1")
    .Resize(n, UBound(b, 2)).Value = b
    With .Offset(, 1).Resize(, UBound(b, 2))
        .NumberFormat = "d-mmm"
    End With
End With
End Sub
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theozz and jindon-

Thank you for the quick response! A bit over my head as I do not know VBA programming so really appreciate the help.


I have yet to try your solution (not really sure how to use it) but am trying to figure it out.


This worked great! However, I ran into an Out of Memory error when I ran against a file with 1024 rows. It does not seem to be a problem with the number of rows but the date range - July 1 to Dec 31... Is there any way around this?

(I'm sorry if I seem dependent-- just new at this...)

Thank you.
Upvote 0
Out of memory?

July 1 to Dec 31
Only 183 + 1 columns with 1024 rows ?

This may be slower...
Sub test()
Dim minDate As Date, maxDate As Date
Dim a, x As Long, y As Long, n As Long
Dim i As Long, ii As Long, myCell As Range
With Range("a1").CurrentRegion
    a = .Value
    minDate = Application.Min(.Range("c:d"))
    maxDate = Application.Max(.Range("c:d"))
End With
x = DateDiff("d", minDate, maxDate)
Set myCell = Range("f1")
myCell.Value = "Name"
For i = 0 To x
    myCell.Offset(, i + 1).Value = DateAdd("d", i, minDate)
myCell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, x).NumberFormat = "d-mmm"
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    .comparemode = vbTextCompare
    For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
        If IsDate(a(i, 3)) Then
            If Not .exists(a(i, 1)) Then
                n = n + 1: myCell.Offset(n).Value = a(i, 1)
                .Add a(i, 1), n
            End If
            x = a(i, 3) - minDate + 2
            y = x + a(i, 4) - a(i, 3)
            For ii = x To y
                myCell.Offset(n, ii - 1).Value = _
                myCell.Offset(n, ii - 1).Value & _
                IIf(myCell.Offset(n, ii - 1).Value <> "", "/", "") & a(i, 2)
        End If
End With
End Sub
Upvote 0

This gives me a "run-time error '1004': application-defined or object-defined error" and highlights the following "myCell.Offset(, i + 1).Value = DateAdd("d", i, minDate)". I am using MS Excel 2003... could that be the prob?

Could I email the data I am working with in case it has somethign to do with the data?

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I can't think of any reason why it raises error on such line...

Do you have any Merged cell?
Upvote 0
hello Jindon-

There were no merged cells. I was able to do away with the error by reducing the range. I think the problem is with the limit in the number of columns. I will just plan to limit the date range to 6 months.

ANy chance you can help with a macro that will change the format:
a) take contiguous cells with the same value and merge them into one?
b) apply colors/fill to the cells based on the activity (e.g. Office = Green, Vacation = Red, etc)?

Thank you again Jindon.
Upvote 0
try this
Sub test()
Dim minDate As Date, maxDate As Date
Dim a, x As Long, y As Long, n As Long
Dim i As Long, ii As Long, myCell As Range
With Range("a1").CurrentRegion
    a = .Value
    minDate = Application.Min(.Range("c:d"))
    maxDate = Application.Max(.Range("c:d"))
End With
x = DateDiff("d", minDate, maxDate)
Set myCell = Range("g1")
myCell.Value = "Name"
For i = 0 To x
    myCell.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = DateAdd("d", i, minDate)
myCell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, x).NumberFormat = "d-mmm"
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    .comparemode = vbTextCompare
    For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1)
        If IsDate(a(i, 3)) Then
            If Not .exists(a(i, 1)) Then
                n = n + 1: myCell.Offset(n).Value = a(i, 1)
                .Add a(i, 1), n
            End If
            x = a(i, 3) - minDate + 2
            y = x + a(i, 4) - a(i, 3)
            For ii = x To y
                myCell.Offset(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii - 1).Value = _
                myCell.Offset(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii - 1).Value & _
                IIf(myCell.Offset(.Item(a(i, 1)), ii - 1).Value <> "", "/", "") & a(i, 2)
        End If
End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
hello Jindon-

There were no merged cells. I was able to do away with the error by reducing the range. I think the problem is with the limit in the number of columns. I will just plan to limit the date range to 6 months.

ANy chance you can help with a macro that will change the format:
a) take contiguous cells with the same value and merge them into one?
b) apply colors/fill to the cells based on the activity (e.g. Office = Green, Vacation = Red, etc)?

Thank you again Jindon.
Can you explain a bit more about a) & b) with the sample data?
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