Name of Merged Cells


New Member
May 29, 2015
I am stumped! I have a good level of VB experience and have combed through VBA posts for answers but this one is beating me.

Here is where I am at:
- Merged 4 cells together (A1:B2)
- Renamed merged cells "SampleBlock"
- Select the range "SampleBlock" with the cursor so that it is the active cell

The code I need will recall the name (not address) of the merged cells when it is selected. I have this running no problem with single cell named ranges but when you are dealing with merged cells it blows up. VB will use the name "SampleBlock" for further operations. I can recall the address no problem ($A1:$B2) using the Address function but I need the actual name of the range not the "Refers To" address

I have tried:
x = Selection.Name.Name
x = Selection.MergeArea.Name
and a lot of other combinations...

Help if you can please!


Excel Facts

What is the last column in Excel?
Excel columns run from A to Z, AA to AZ, AAA to XFD. The last column is XFD.
If I merge A1:B2 and run this code, it produces the name I assigned to the merged range and the address of the upper left cell (A1) of that named, merged range.
Sub Test()
Dim nam As Name
For Each nam In Names
    MsgBox nam.Name & vbTab & nam.RefersTo
Next nam
End Sub
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That wasn't exactly what I was looking for as I think your method takes the name from the name register instead of from the selected cell. Building on what you started I was able to make it work:

Dim nam as Name
Set nam = ActiveCell.Name
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(nam.Name, Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1000)), 0)

Thanks! I needed to Dim it as a Name first. Glad I came for help on here!
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