I am building a an excel document that requires me to print from the comments of the cells. I have found the following formula that does print successfully, but I need it to print only the column I have selected. Each Column has a specific date at the top which could be selected as a prompt.
Additionally, Are there ways of counting the lines or values in a comment and have it updated to the cell it is commenting on?
Public Sub Print_Students()
Dim Cmt As String
Dim C As Range
Dim I As Integer
Dim WordObj As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim PrintValue As Boolean
Dim res As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Err.Number = 0
res = MsgBox("Do want to print cell values with comments?", _
vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, "Print Cell Comments")
Select Case res
Case vbCancel
Exit Sub
Case vbYes
PrintValue = True
Case Else
PrintValue = False
End Select
Set WordObj = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Err.Number = 0
End If
WordObj.Visible = True
With WordObj.Selection
.TypeText Text:="Cell Comments In Workbook: " + ActiveWorkbook.Name
.TypeText Text:="Date: " + Format(Now(), "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm")
End With
For Each ws In Worksheets
For I = 1 To ws.Comments.Count
Set C = ws.Comments(I).Parent
Cmt = ws.Comments(I).Text
With WordObj.Selection
.TypeText Text:="Comment In Cell: " + _
C.Address(False, False, xlA1) + " on sheet: " + ws.Name
If PrintValue = True Then
.TypeText Text:=" Cell Value: " + Format(C.Value)
End If
.TypeText Text:=Cmt
End With
Next I
Next ws
Set WordObj = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished Printing Comments To Word", vbInformation, _
End Sub
Additionally, Are there ways of counting the lines or values in a comment and have it updated to the cell it is commenting on?
Public Sub Print_Students()
Dim Cmt As String
Dim C As Range
Dim I As Integer
Dim WordObj As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim PrintValue As Boolean
Dim res As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Err.Number = 0
res = MsgBox("Do want to print cell values with comments?", _
vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, "Print Cell Comments")
Select Case res
Case vbCancel
Exit Sub
Case vbYes
PrintValue = True
Case Else
PrintValue = False
End Select
Set WordObj = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Err.Number = 0
End If
WordObj.Visible = True
With WordObj.Selection
.TypeText Text:="Cell Comments In Workbook: " + ActiveWorkbook.Name
.TypeText Text:="Date: " + Format(Now(), "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm")
End With
For Each ws In Worksheets
For I = 1 To ws.Comments.Count
Set C = ws.Comments(I).Parent
Cmt = ws.Comments(I).Text
With WordObj.Selection
.TypeText Text:="Comment In Cell: " + _
C.Address(False, False, xlA1) + " on sheet: " + ws.Name
If PrintValue = True Then
.TypeText Text:=" Cell Value: " + Format(C.Value)
End If
.TypeText Text:=Cmt
End With
Next I
Next ws
Set WordObj = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished Printing Comments To Word", vbInformation, _
End Sub