Ribbon in a loop after reset

Paul Sansom

Board Regular
Jan 28, 2013
Office Version
  1. 2021
  2. 2016
  1. Windows
After rersetting the ribbon, my workbook is in run mode, and i cannot update the workbook sheets.

Is there a way that i can identify and repair the ribbon items that appear to be casuing the loop?
I am unclear on how to determine which item(s) are causing the ribbon to stay in run mode after invalidating and resetting it?

FYI - The workbook contains many sheets. 4 custom ribbon menus each with a variatey of buttons, editboxes and textboxes.

Any help/guidance on how to find loopy code much appreciated (or please advise if more information is needed)

Cheers Paul

My refresh ribbon code is below & I believe is pretty standard
Sub RefreshRibbon(Tag As String)
    MyTag = Tag
    If Rib Is Nothing Then
        Set Rib = GetRibbon(Sheet2.Range("RibRV").Value)
        Application.StatusBar = " There was an error in the RibbonBar Initialisation - Reset in progress - please wait"
'        Rib.Invalidate
    End If
End Sub

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Have you tried setting breakpoints in your code and debugging it?

I've created customized ribbons, even some with menu options that change. I never had an issue with a hanging ribbon refresh.
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Hi Jeff
Yes i have.without too much success.
I am begining to belive the problem might be caused by the _getLabel subs for some buttons. These seem to be running continually.
I was changing the labels dependant upon consitions
I might try to remove these and just have fixed (non changing labels) and see if that solves it.
Cheers Paul
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Oh, You have events that run when you change cells that contain the labels for the buttons?

You need to do a couple things:

You need a Public boolean variable called RibbonInvalidate or something to store the status of the Invalidate process. Before Invalidate:
Application.EnableEvents = FALSE
RibbonInvalidate = TRUE

After Invalidate:
Application.EnableEvents = TRUE
RibbonInvalidate = FALSE

In each of the Ribbon process subs, just add a statement like this:
IF RibbonInvalidate = TRUE then Exit Sub

Does that make sense?
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Yes this all makes sense.
I have the events that run when a button is pressed.(_onChange) AND I change the button labels with if statements in the sub (_getLabel).
The if statements are linked to Boolean cells that change so, yes I have events that run and change the cell contents and change the labels.

I will amend the subs with the suggestions above and see. I'll post here on the outcome.
Many thanks for the persistent and patient help.

Cheers Paul
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Since I can't see all your Ribbon SUBS, I can only guess at some things. Some of your Ribbon Process Subs will need to run when Invalidate is called so they can re-label the buttons. You'll have to decide which ones those are. It may be that Disabling Events will solve the problem. Usually this is a trial and error for me.
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