Sorting on Pivot Table Calculated column


New Member
Jul 27, 2018
I have a pivot table based on a SQL query of transactions. the pivot table summarizes sales activity by unit producing a two year history by item and customer. There are three calculated columns that are repeated for each month and then a yearly set. Of interest here is the current year total units.

I figured the simplest way to do the sort would be to right click column and sort. This does nothing in the YTD column. So I recorded a Macro of YTD and Dec 2018 shown below:

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Select_Unit_Sales").PivotFields("Item").AutoSort _
xlDescending, "sales ", ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Select_Unit_Sales"). _
PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines(76), 1
End Sub
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Select_Unit_Sales").PivotFields("Item").AutoSort _
xlDescending, "sales ", ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Select_Unit_Sales"). _
PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines(73), 1
End Sub

Column 76 is the YTD, Column 73 is the Dec 2018 amount.

These are all effectively calculated fields but YTD is a horizontal total (months 1 - 12), each month is a sum of the customers, which may in turn be a sum of many transaction records.

Here is the VBA definition of the fields:

With PT.PivotFields("Itemname") ' which item
.Orientation = xlRowField
.name = "Item"
End With

With PT.PivotFields("FullName") ' full name of branch
.Orientation = xlRowField
.name = "Branch"
End With

With PT.PivotFields("sales") ' sales $
.Orientation = xlDataField
.Function = xlsumm
.NumberFormat = "#,###;(#,###)[Red]" ' format number - no decimal red if negative
.name = "sales "

End With

With PT.PivotFields("CalYear") ' year
.Orientation = xlColumnField
.name = "Year"
End With

With PT.PivotFields("CalMnth") ' spread by month
.Orientation = xlColumnField
.Position = 2
.name = "Mnth"
End With

Does anybody have any ideas?

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