VBA - copy file as macro free and keep the original open


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I've seen some posts on how to save a file as macro-free workbook. But all of them result in currently open file becoming the new one.
What I need:
1. run the macro in currently opened xlsm file
2. save entire workbook (multiple sheets) as xlsx (macro-free), without opening xlsx - I don't want to see the new file, it's stored elsewhere as a 'result'.
3. continue to work in xlsm where user will run another macro later on.
Additional requirements:
- formulas must stay, so copying and pasting as values is not an option
- formulas can't reference to xlsm, so standard copying of worksheets is not an option either, as it keeps the external link/reference instead of internal one

Excel Facts

How can you turn a range sideways?
Copy the range. Select a blank cell. Right-click, Paste Special, then choose Transpose.
Thanks all, both tips gave me ultimately below code. Not the pretties one, but does the job ;) I skipped the 'closing' part in the code on purpose for now, so both workbooks are open.
VBA Code:
Dim original As Workbook
Dim newmacro As Workbook
Dim qname As String
Set original = ThisWorkbook
qname = Format(Date, "ddmmmyyyy")
NewFN = "C:\temp\DeleteMe.xlsm"
NewFNx = "C:\temp\" & qname & ".xlsx"
original.SaveCopyAs FileName:=NewFN
Set newmacro = Workbooks.Open(NewFN)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
newmacro.SaveAs NewFNx, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Kill (NewFN)
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Thanks for letting us know and for posting what you ended up using. Glad we could help.
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