VBA Copy worksheets into seperate workbooks - paste values


Board Regular
Nov 28, 2007
I hope someone can help me with a bit of VBA I need to customise.

I want to copy worksheets into individual workbooks using their tab name.
When copying them over, I need to paste the contents of the worksheets as values only.

I thought I could change the code to ".PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues"
but this doesn't work for me, it leaves a blank worksheet.

Sub SaveShtsAsBook()
      Dim Sheet As Worksheet, SheetName$, MyFilePath$, N&
      MyFilePath$ = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _
                    Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4)
      With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .DisplayAlerts = False
            '      End With
            On Error Resume Next    '<< a folder exists
            MkDir MyFilePath            '<< create a folder
            For N = 1 To Sheets.Count
                  SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
                  Workbooks.Add (xlWBATWorksheet)
                  With ActiveWorkbook
                        With .ActiveSheet
                              .Name = SheetName
                        End With
                        'save book in this folder
                        .SaveAs Filename:=MyFilePath _
                                          & "\" & SheetName & ".xls"
                        .Close SaveChanges:=True
                  End With
                  .CutCopyMode = False
      End With
End Sub

It would be a big bonus if I could also specify which sheets to export instead of exporting everything.
ie "Example sheet 1" , "Example sheet 2" & "Example sheet 3"

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I just discovered a new problem.
I want to retain the defined name ranges on the worksheet but when the worksheets are copied, they lose that data.

For each worksheet I want to copy, "A5" is defined as "Family"

Can this be integrated in the vba?
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