Combo boxes

Posted by Jay on July 17, 2001 6:55 AM

Anyone know the property of a combo box for the cell link field when using VBA? I have found the DropDownLines, but cannot find the Cell Link

[Drop Down 292].DropDownLines

Posted by Cory on July 17, 2001 9:09 AM

The RowSource property links cells to a combobox. Is that what you're looking for?

You can also add items to a combobox like this:

Private Sub UserForm1_Initialize()
Combobox1.AddItem "your data"
Combobox1.AddItem "2nd item"


Any Help?


Posted by Jay on July 18, 2001 12:03 AM

No, not much help.

What I want to do is change the Cell link from VBA code. I know the name of the combo box so I can refer to it, but I don't know the property name for the Cell Link field. I tried all the obvious ones but no luck.


Posted by Jay on July 18, 2001 1:51 AM

Found it.

[Drop Down 292].LinkedCell
also useful is
[Drop Down 292].ListFillRange