Populating combo box

Posted by Gehan on July 02, 2001 11:03 AM

I am new to vbscripting, how do i populate a combo box from the Control Toolbox (not Forms)..Please help...


Posted by Ben O. on July 02, 2001 11:19 AM


Go into design mode (click on the t-square icon on the control toobax), right-click on the combo-box you want to populate, and click on Properties. In the properties window, find ListFillRange and type your range into the space next to it.


Posted by Gehan on July 03, 2001 8:48 AM

Thanks Ben, it is now fully working..
Again thanks


: Hi : I am new to vbscripting, how do i populate a combo box from the Control Toolbox (not Forms)..Please help... : Gehan