Saving Dialog Box as Draft

Posted by Paul Magruser on January 31, 2001 4:19 AM

I am using a Dialog box with drop boxes & edit boxes for data entry into a datbase. My problem is I cannot "save the dialog as a draft" If I get interupted.
I can close the dialog,close the workbook, and open it at a later time, resume the "show dialog" and continue entering data, but If another user launches the workbook before I get back to it,(4 users using the database) and clears the form, I have lost my data. Is there away to save the dialog in draft format? Then I could return to it later to complete the data entry, before I send the data to the database. I am using Windows NT with Excel 97

Paul Magruder

Posted by Dave Hawley on January 31, 2001 4:43 AM

Hi Paul

I'm confused by your use of the term "Dialog box". Do you mean UserForm ?

If so I would suggest having a CommandButton on it that would place all data on a hidden worksheet and then have the Textboxes, Combobox etc extract their values from there on Loading of the UserForm. If you complete your entries on the UserForm then it could clear the range used to store your info. On intiliazation of the form it could check the range on the hidden sheet and if empty then default as normal.

Hope this helps

Dave OzGrid Business Applications