Why is the Edit Box Disabled?

Posted by Clint on December 04, 2001 10:55 AM

Does anyone know why when designing a form the Edit Box becomes disabled? I've never had this happen before and i really need it.

Posted by Damon Ostrander on December 04, 2001 1:16 PM

Hi Clint,

I assume that you are designing a Userform in Excel 97 or above and you are trying to get an EditBox from the Forms toolbar. Excel 97 and above do not support Forms controls on Userforms. You have to use the Controls toolbar ("toolbox"). This toolbar has a control named TextBox that has the same functionality as the old EditBox, labeled with an "ab|" and right next to the Label control.

I hope this helps.


Posted by Clint on December 04, 2001 1:29 PM

Thanks, I appreciate it. You're correct on all counts. I appreciate the insight.