Filter question

Posted by Andonny on July 30, 2001 4:09 AM

I posted this message before and it showed up on the board and today it's gone :((
I try again:
I would like to filter in culumn A all the unique items I listed in culumn B. I tried advanced Filter without success.

Any ideas how to go about achieving this?

Thanks a lot for your help

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on July 30, 2001 4:56 AM

What are you trying to do? Establish whether a unique item of B is in A or not?



Posted by Andonny on July 30, 2001 5:23 AM

Hi Aladin,
I have many items in culumn A (multiple instances) and I would like to list only the once which relate directly to the once in culumn B (some of the items from culumn A but unique not multiple). Like in the example below I would like to filter all items of number 1 and 3 in culumn A. I can do this with autofilter when there are only two but in my case there are at least ten.

Thanks for your help



Posted by Aladin Akyurek on July 30, 2001 6:32 AM

That pesky Advanced Filter... I'll give you what I've done with that. However, I'd like to make another suggestion.
I'll assume your sample data to be in A an B from A5 and B5 on.


In D5 enter: =IF(COUNTIF(A5:A9,B5)=1,1,0)

Copy down as far as needed. This marks all unique items in B that are also unique in A.
This logic can also be used in Conditional Formatting that you can apply to the data cells of A.


In A2 enter: =COUNTIF($A$5:$A$12,B5)=1

In A4 enter: RecsA [ just a label ]
In B4 enter: RecsB [ just a label ]

Activate A5, activate Adv Filter.

List Range: $A$4:$B$12
Criteria range: $A$1:$A$2
Copy to: $F$4:$G$4 [ After checking Copy to another location ]

My worksheet looks like this after using both methods (the area is A1:G9):


where 0 stands for blank.

