Sorting LARGE files

Posted by Victor on August 28, 2001 3:56 PM

I have a tab-delimited file of over 386,000 lines that I want to sort by one column. This far exceeds Excel's 65xxx limit, so I broke it into 14 segments and painstakingly weeded out the material I don't need. Now, I still want to be able to sort the remaining data, but it's still well over the 65xxx row limit. How can I do this in an easier manner?

I have the 14 Excel Workbooks, and I also have one file where I made 14 Worksheets and placed each file in a seperate Worksheet within the one Workbook. I just don't know how to make my commands go across all the worksheets instead of just the one I'm currently looking at.

Excel 98 on Mac. Any help appreciated. Please e-mail me as well. Thanks!

Posted by Richard S on August 28, 2001 4:21 PM


I don't know if this is any help, but assuming the column you want to sort by is alphabetical, could you use advance filter on part of the file to put all rows commencing with "A" on one sheet, all starting with "B" on another etc, then repeat with the other parts of the file. It will take a while. I think off might be better off getting help from a programmer.
