Date formula

Posted by Lars on January 03, 2002 4:02 PM

I have a column of dates that look like this 12/30/2001
How do I change this to show only Dec or if the date is 6/15/2001 change it to Jun etc.

You can't format it to say just the month wothout the day or year so I want a formula that will read 12/30/2001 as Dec and if it is 12/10/2001 still Dec etc.


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on January 03, 2002 4:06 PM

=TEXT(A1,"mmm") [NT}

You can't format it to say just the month wothout the day or year so I want a formula that will read 12/30/2001 as Dec and if it is 12/10/2001 still Dec etc.