Can I recover a doc after a crash?

Posted by Christopher R. Patrick on November 15, 2001 12:28 PM

Hi all...

I hope someone can help me. Within the last five minutes, I got a Doctor Watson error while editting an Excel workbook. In any case, Excel crashed, and I had a lot of data lost. I didn't save. I admit that was dumb. :) In any case, is there any way to recover the data? Does Excel implement an autosave or recovery mechanism?

Thanks for any help.


Posted by Dank on November 15, 2001 1:19 PM

Unfortunately, if the workbook doesn't have the data in it then it's lost. Dr Watson has plagued us all and I'm sure the bugger causes more ailments than he cures.


Posted by Jack on November 15, 2001 3:48 PM

Well i say Dr Watson needs to go where it belongs "in the bin!"
ALWAYS Save As as soon as you open a document even if names as today 1 or something and set AutoSave on every 2 mins max and keep pumping CTRL + S all day its the only way, i use Excel ALL DAY and CTRL+S i must hit literally hundreds of times a day.

Sometimes Excel can auto recover so when Excel opened after a crash will open not Document 1 but (Recocered Document 1) from the Windows Temp file if not its lost a no Write to Hard Disk took place, not recovery possible from what you say.
Sorry Mate... we all have been there ..please take my advice and keep hitting CRTL+S ALL DAY its makes sence.